Korean from English 72 units (2023-Sep-01):
NOT CEFR aligned
623 levels ㅤ2691 lessons ㅤNO Stories
Path imageHintsWords
numberOfSentences=5673 ㅤ numberOfWords=2230 ㅤ wordsLearned=2684 (1667) ㅤ DebugNamesJSON

Units 57 to 72 have personalized names.

Section 1: Rookie (8)

1 Learn Korean vowels, Learn Korean consonants 📝
7, 6, 📪, 7, 🏆
Learn Korean vowels, Learn Korean consonants, 📪, Learn Korean vowels, 🏆

2 Learn more consonants, Learn basic phrases 📝
5, 6, 📪, 4, 7, 5, 5, 📪, 6, 🏆
Learn more consonants, Learn Korean consonants, 📪, 🛠️, Learn Korean vowels, Learn basic phrases, Learn more consonants, 📪, Learn Korean consonants, 🏆

3 Name common objects, Talk about objects 📝
6, 6, 📪, 5, 5, 6, 6, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆
Name common objects, 🛠️, 📪, Learn basic phrases, Learn more consonants, Talk about objects, Name common objects, 📪, Learn basic phrases, 🛠️, 🏆

4 Greet people, Learn basic sentences 📝
5, 6, 📪, 6, 7, 5, 5, 📪, 6, 🏆
Greet people, Talk about objects, 📪, Name common objects, Learn basic sentences, Greet people, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about objects, 🏆

5 Introduce yourself, Say where you're going 📝
5, 7, 5, 📪, 5, 6, 📪, 5, 7, 🏆
Introduce yourself, Learn basic sentences, Greet people, 📪, Say where you're going, 🛠️, 📪, Introduce yourself, Learn basic sentences, 🏆

6 Say where people are, Talk about food 📝
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆
Say where people are, Say where you're going, 📪, Introduce yourself, 🛠️, Talk about food, Say where people are, 📪, Say where you're going, 🏆

7 Describe your friends, Learn basic verbs 📝
4, 5, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 📪, 4, 5, 🏆
Describe your friends, 🛠️, Talk about food, 📪, Say where people are, Learn basic verbs, 📪, Describe your friends, 🛠️, 🏆

8 Give directions, Make suggestions 📝
6, 3, 📪, 4, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 3, 🏆
Talk about food, Give directions, 📪, Learn basic verbs, Describe your friends, 🛠️, Make suggestions, 📪, Give directions, 🏆

Section 2: Explorer (20)

9 / 1 Talk about animals, Ask questions 📝
4, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 3, 3, 📪, 6, 5, 🏆
Learn basic verbs, Talk about animals, 📪, 🛠️, Make suggestions, Give directions, Ask questions, 📪, Talk about animals, 🛠️, 🏆

10 / 2 Talk about dreams, Describe animals 📝
4, 3, 📪, 3, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 3, 🏆
Make suggestions, Talk about dreams, 📪, Ask questions, Talk about animals, 🛠️, Describe animals, 📪, Talk about dreams, 🏆

11 / 3 Offer someone gifts, Speak politely 📝
3, 4, 5, 📪, 5, 3, 3, 📪, 4, 5, 🏆
Ask questions, Offer someone gifts, 🛠️, 📪, Describe animals, Talk about dreams, Speak politely, 📪, Offer someone gifts, 🛠️, 🏆

12 / 4 Talk about breakfast, Talk about pets 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 5, 🏆
Describe animals, Talk about breakfast, 📪, Speak politely, Offer someone gifts, 🛠️, Talk about pets, 📪, Talk about breakfast, 🏆

13 / 5 Describe colors, Express feelings 📝
3, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 5, 3, 📪, 4, 5, 🏆
Speak politely, Describe colors, 🛠️, Talk about pets, 📪, Talk about breakfast, Express feelings, 📪, Describe colors, 🛠️, 🏆

14 / 6 Say where things are, Communicate politely 📝
4, 5, 📪, 3, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 5, 🏆
Talk about pets, Say where things are, 📪, Express feelings, Describe colors, 🛠️, Communicate politely, 📪, Say where things are, 🏆

15 / 7 Use numbers, Describe foods 📝
3, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆
Express feelings, Use numbers, 📪, 🛠️, Communicate politely, Say where things are, Describe foods, 📪, Use numbers, 🛠️, 🏆

16 / 8 Make polite requests, Describe your routine 📝
4, 3, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 4, 📪, 3, 🏆
Communicate politely, Make polite requests, 📪, Describe foods, Use numbers, 🛠️, Describe your routine, 📪, Make polite requests, 🏆

17 / 9 Introduce your family, Talk about colors 📝
5, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 3, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆
Describe foods, Introduce your family, 🛠️, 📪, Describe your routine, Make polite requests, Talk about colors, 📪, Introduce your family, 🛠️, 🏆

18 / 10 Describe your outfit, Use the past tense 📝
4, 4, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 4, 📪, 4, 🏆
Describe your routine, Describe your outfit, 📪, Talk about colors, Introduce your family, 🛠️, Use the past tense, 📪, Describe your outfit, 🏆

19 / 11 Use the continuous tense, Talk about seasons 📝
5, 4, 5, 📪, 4, 4, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Talk about colors, Use the continuous tense, 🛠️, 📪, Use the past tense, Describe your outfit, 📪, Talk about seasons, 🛠️, 🏆

20 / 12 Form compound verbs, Use numbers 📝
4, 4, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 4, 4, 📪, 4, 🏆
Use the continuous tense, Use the past tense, Form compound verbs, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about seasons, Use the continuous tense, Use numbers, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

21 / 13 Express necessity, Form gerunds 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 4, 4, 5, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Form compound verbs, Talk about seasons, 📪, Express necessity, 🛠️, Use numbers, Form compound verbs, 📪, Form gerunds, 🛠️, 🏆

22 / 14 Tell time, Shop for clothes 📝
3, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 4, 3, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Express necessity, Use numbers, Tell time, 🛠️, 📪, Form gerunds, Express necessity, Shop for clothes, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

23 / 15 Add details to a story, Use the future tense 📝
3, 4, 4, 📪, 4, 6, 3, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Tell time, Form gerunds, Add details to a story, 📪, 🛠️, Shop for clothes, Tell time, 📪, Use the future tense, 🛠️, 🏆

24 / 16 Order food and drink, Use adverbs 📝
4, 6, 📪, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Add details to a story, Shop for clothes, 📪, Order food and drink, 🛠️, Use the future tense, Add details to a story, Use adverbs, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

25 / 17 Speak informally, Establish a topic 📝
4, 4, 4, 4, 📪, 5, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Order food and drink, Use the future tense, Speak informally, 🛠️, 📪, Use adverbs, Order food and drink, 📪, Establish a topic, 🛠️, 🏆

26 / 18 Talk about hobbies, Say what you can do 📝
4, 5, 4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Speak informally, Use adverbs, Talk about hobbies, 📪, 🛠️, Establish a topic, Speak informally, Say what you can do, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

27 / 19 Learn parts of the body, Use common phrases 📝
4, 3, 📪, 7, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Talk about hobbies, Establish a topic, 📪, Learn parts of the body, 🛠️, Say what you can do, Talk about hobbies, 📪, Use common phrases, 🛠️, 🏆

28 / 20 Get around a city, Communicate in writing 📝
7, 5, 5, 4, 📪, 6, 7, 4, 📪, 4, 🏆
Learn parts of the body, Say what you can do, Get around a city, 🛠️, 📪, Use common phrases, Learn parts of the body, Communicate in writing, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

Section 3: Traveler (29)

29 / 1 Learn days of the week, Discuss recipes 📝
5, 6, 3, 📪, 4, 4, 5, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Get around a city, Use common phrases, Learn days of the week, 📪, 🛠️, Communicate in writing, Get around a city, 📪, Discuss recipes, 🛠️, 🏆

30 / 2 Talk about time, Describe your home 📝
3, 4, 📪, 6, 4, 4, 3, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Learn days of the week, Communicate in writing, 📪, Talk about time, 🛠️, Discuss recipes, Learn days of the week, Describe your home, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

31 / 3 Talk about work, Talk about soccer 📝
6, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Talk about time, Discuss recipes, Talk about work, 🛠️, 📪, Describe your home, Talk about time, 📪, Talk about soccer, 🛠️, 🏆

32 / 4 Go shopping in a mall, Share opinions 📝
5, 5, 4, 📪, 4, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about work, Describe your home, Go shopping in a mall, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about soccer, Talk about work, Share opinions, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

33 / 5 Talk about your garden, Ask about birthdays 📝
4, 4, 📪, 6, 4, 4, 4, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Go shopping in a mall, Talk about soccer, 📪, Talk about your garden, 🛠️, Share opinions, Go shopping in a mall, 📪, Ask about birthdays, 🛠️, 🏆

34 / 6 Describe the weather, Talk about school 📝
6, 4, 6, 4, 📪, 4, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about your garden, Share opinions, Describe the weather, 🛠️, 📪, Ask about birthdays, Talk about your garden, Talk about school, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

35 / 7 Talk about your health, Report what you heard 📝
6, 4, 7, 📪, 4, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Describe the weather, Ask about birthdays, Talk about your health, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about school, Describe the weather, 📪, Report what you heard, 🛠️, 🏆

36 / 8 Discuss ways to travel, Share recipes 📝
7, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 4, 7, 7, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about your health, Talk about school, 📪, Discuss ways to travel, 🛠️, Report what you heard, Talk about your health, Share recipes, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

37 / 9 Give directions, Talk about hygiene 📝
5, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 7, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Discuss ways to travel, Report what you heard, Give directions, 🛠️, 📪, Share recipes, Discuss ways to travel, 📪, Talk about hygiene, 🛠️, 🏆

38 / 10 Use the passive, Retell what you heard 📝
5, 7, 3, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Give directions, Share recipes, Use the passive, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about hygiene, Give directions, Retell what you heard, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

39 / 11 Report what was said, Ask for help 📝
3, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 3, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Use the passive, Talk about hygiene, 📪, Report what was said, 🛠️, Retell what you heard, Use the passive, 📪, Ask for help, 🛠️, 🏆

40 / 12 Make travel plans, Form reported speech 📝
5, 5, 5, 4, 📪, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Report what was said, Retell what you heard, Make travel plans, 🛠️, 📪, Ask for help, Report what was said, Form reported speech, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

41 / 13 Use the passive, Use indefinite pronouns 📝
5, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Make travel plans, Ask for help, Use the passive, 📪, 🛠️, Form reported speech, Make travel plans, 📪, Use indefinite pronouns, 🛠️, 🏆

42 / 14 Talk about weddings, Talk about parenthood 📝
6, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 4, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Use the passive, Form reported speech, 📪, Talk about weddings, 🛠️, Use indefinite pronouns, Use the passive, Talk about parenthood, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

43 / 15 Get around an airport, Talk about relatives 📝
5, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Talk about weddings, Use indefinite pronouns, Get around an airport, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about parenthood, Talk about weddings, 📪, Talk about relatives, 🛠️, 🏆

44 / 16 Discuss camping, Identify continents 📝
5, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 4, 📪, 4, 🏆
Get around an airport, Talk about parenthood, Discuss camping, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about relatives, Get around an airport, Identify continents, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

45 / 17 Talk about K-pop, Apply for a visa 📝
5, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 4, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Discuss camping, Talk about relatives, 📪, Talk about K-pop, 🛠️, Identify continents, Discuss camping, 📪, Apply for a visa, 🛠️, 🏆

46 / 18 Discuss the Olympics, Talk about sports 📝
6, 4, 6, 4, 📪, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about K-pop, Identify continents, Discuss the Olympics, 🛠️, 📪, Apply for a visa, Talk about K-pop, Talk about sports, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

47 / 19 Talk about disasters, Describe behaviors 📝
6, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Discuss the Olympics, Apply for a visa, Talk about disasters, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about sports, Discuss the Olympics, 📪, Describe behaviors, 🛠️, 🏆

48 / 20 Tell where you live, Express feelings 📝
6, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about disasters, Talk about sports, 📪, Tell where you live, 🛠️, Describe behaviors, Talk about disasters, Express feelings, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

49 / 21 Discuss Olympic games, Use the passive 📝
5, 5, 6, 4, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Tell where you live, Describe behaviors, Discuss Olympic games, 🛠️, 📪, Express feelings, Tell where you live, 📪, Use the passive, 🛠️, 🏆

50 / 22 Describe landscape, Talk about senses 📝
6, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Discuss Olympic games, Express feelings, Describe landscape, 📪, 🛠️, Use the passive, Discuss Olympic games, Talk about senses, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

51 / 23 Describe college life, Discuss technology 📝
6, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Describe landscape, Use the passive, 📪, Describe college life, 🛠️, Talk about senses, Describe landscape, 📪, Discuss technology, 🛠️, 🏆

52 / 24 Describe your studies, Learn math terms 📝
5, 5, 5, 4, 📪, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Describe college life, Talk about senses, Describe your studies, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss technology, Describe college life, Learn math terms, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

53 / 25 Talk about Chuseok, Describe planets 📝
5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Describe your studies, Discuss technology, Talk about Chuseok, 📪, 🛠️, Learn math terms, Describe your studies, 📪, Describe planets, 🛠️, 🏆

54 / 26 Talk about Seollal, Appreciate artwork 📝
5, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about Chuseok, Learn math terms, 📪, Talk about Seollal, 🛠️, Describe planets, Talk about Chuseok, Appreciate artwork, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

55 / 27 Discuss language learning, Talk about life at sea 📝
5, 6, 5, 4, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Talk about Seollal, Describe planets, Discuss language learning, 🛠️, 📪, Appreciate artwork, Talk about Seollal, 📪, Talk about life at sea, 🛠️, 🏆

56 / 28 Learn financial terms, Share health tips 📝
5, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Discuss language learning, Appreciate artwork, Learn financial terms, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about life at sea, Discuss language learning, Share health tips, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

57 / 29
6, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 6, 📪, 6, 5, 🏆
Learn financial terms, Talk about life at sea, Share health tips, 📪, 🛠️, Learn financial terms, 📪, Share health tips, Path Extension Practice, 🏆

Path Extension Practices:

Section 4: Champion (25)

5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 🏆

5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

ㅤㅤ Trophy

Section 5: Daily Refresh OPTIONAL

Each 🏆 has 8 challenges, to get the Legendary trophy

Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each 🏆 has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)