Duolingo Data:
Czech from English 100, 88 Units Different Lessons:
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Teaching Objective |
DebugName |
Use basic sentences | Start here |
Introduce people | Intros |
Use masculine forms | Men |
Use feminine forms | Women |
Use neuter forms | Children |
Describe something | What? |
Describe people | Who? |
Ask questions | Questions1 |
Use the plural | Groups |
Talk about names | Your name? |
Discuss food and drink | Food |
Talk about animals | Animals |
Use the accusative | Waiting |
Address people | In/Formal |
Make inquiries | Questions2 |
Use personal pronouns | You and me |
Say whose something is | Yours/Mine |
Talk about colors | Colors |
Use the present tense | Present 1 |
Talk about family | Family 1 |
Discuss clothing | Clothing |
Use demonstratives | This-That |
Say when and where | Adverbs |
Use basic numbers | Numbers 1 |
Join simple sentences | If/When |
Use infinitives | Infinitive |
Describe the household | Household |
Talk about the past | Past 1 |
Say what's happening | Present 2 |
Use numbers | Numbers 2 |
Describe things | What kind? |
Name days of the week | Days/Week |
Refer to locations | Places |
Use bigger numbers | Numbers 3 |
Discuss the body | Body |
Name months | Months |
Use the locative | About... |
Use ordinal numbers | Ordinals |
Talk about the past | Past 2 |
Use modal verbs | Modals 1 |
Use indefinite words | Indef/Neg |
Discuss family | Family 2 |
Talk about countries | Geography |
Discuss skills | Skills |
Put events in sequence | After |
Use the instrumental | With what? |
Say what would happen | Would you? |
Discuss nationalities | Nations |
Talk about travel | Travel |
Say who you're with | With whom? |
Use modal verbs | Modals 2 |
Discuss past actions | Aspect |
Talk about jobs | Jobs |
Say how long ago | Ago |
Talk about nature | Nature |
Say who said what | Reported |
Give instructions | Imperative |
Talk about the future | Future 1 |
Use the dative | Giving etc |
Discuss the future | Future 2 |
Talk about sports | Sports |
Discuss communication | Comm |
Use possessives | Possess. 2 |
Use dative prepositions | To whom? |
Discuss politics | Politics |
Use reflexive pronouns | Reflexives |
Use relative pronouns | Relative1 |
Describe feelings | Feelings |
Talk about directions | Directions |
Discuss education | Education |
Use verbs of motion | Movement |
Discuss transportation | Transport |
Order at a restaurant | Restaurant |
Talk about body parts | Dual |
Discuss science | Science |
Talk about romance | Dating |
Use passive forms | Passives |
Use dative numbers | Numbers 4 |
Talk about the office | Office |
Talk about shopping | Shopping |
Express your wishes | Wishes |
Tackle abstract topics | Abstract |
Say what used to be | Used to |
Discuss arts | Arts |
Talk about the news | News |
Use relative pronouns | Relative 2 |
Talk like the locals | What the?! |
Use common proverbs | Proverbs |
Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-05-04