Duolingo Data:
Welsh from English 112 Units, 112 Different Lessons:

You can sort them clicking on title.

Teaching Objective DebugName
Greet peopleGreet 1
Introduce yourselfGreet 2
Use the present tensePresent 1
Talk about activitiesPresent 2
Refer to daysDays
Use the present tensePresent 3
Express what you wantWanting
Describe thingsColours
Talk about workWork 1
Discuss clothesClothes 1
Learn country namesCountry 1
Describe a tripGoing To
Discuss where you wentPastMynd
Say what you didP Gwneud
Describe past eventsAux Gwneud
Use numbersNumbers 1
Describe the weatherWeather
Refer to monthsMonths
Talk about the pastImperfect
Express hungerRevEx 1
Identify animalsAnimals
Learn place namesPlaces 1
Compare dialectsDialects 1
Make requestsMay I?
Say what you have doneWedi
Tell timeTime
Say what you ownPoss Gyda
Describe possessionsPoss Gan
Learn city namesCountry 2
Discuss travelTravelling
Say how you arrivedP. Dod 1
Describe a past mealP. Cael 1
Talk about familyFamily 1
Say why you returnedP. Dod 2
Describe what you gotP. Cael 2
Discuss familyFamily 2
Talk about the pastPast Short
Say what you have to doMust & Not
Say what happenedOrder
Give ordersCommands 1
Make commandsCommands 2
Describe the recent pastRevEx 2
Talk about sportsSport
Express opinionsOpinions
Talk about moneyMoney
Describe your healthHealth
Say what you can doCan & When
Use descriptionsDescribe 1
Talk about the futureFut. Bod
Refer to placesPlaces 2
Express opinionsOpinions 2
Talk about past actionsRevEx 3
Describe a placeDesc Place
Express problemsProblems
State your preferencePrefer
Discuss the newsThe News
Describe your upbringingBrought Up
Ask permissionFavours
Express emphasisEmphasis 1
Use the passiveExtend 2
Say what you'll doF Gwneud 1
Talk about journeysFut Mynd 1
Say why you'll returnFut Dod 1
Say what you'll haveFut Cael 1
Say what you'll doFut Short
Describe the futureAuxFGwneud
Talk about placesRevision 4
Say what you would likeCond. 1
Say what you would doWould Do
Give adviceAdvice
Describe measurementsSize
Make comparisonsCompare 1
Say what you would likeHoffi Gall
Compare two thingsCompare 2
Express datesDates 1
Use the superlativeCompare 3
Express datesDates 2
Discuss how longDuration
Say where something isPreposit.
Express good feelingsThat
Practice adjectivesRevision 5
Use the conditionalCond. 2
Use adverbsAdverbs 1
Talk about jobsExtend 3
Expand on ideasExtend 4
Ask questionsTags
Use adverbsAdverbs 2
Talk about educationEducation1
Describe your homeHome 1
Discuss Welsh cultureCulture
Use adverbsAdverbs 3
Go shoppingShopping
Discuss technologyTechnoleg
Talk about natureNature
Discuss bankingBanking
Talk about spiritualitySpiritual
Discuss businessBusiness
Talk about religionReligion
Discuss your healthMedicine
Talk about artThe Arts
Describe fashionFashion
Talk about scienceScience
Discuss Welsh politicsPolitics
Talk about incidentsReporting
Describe peopleDescribing
Use common phrasesExtending
Discuss celebrationsCelebrate
Plan to cookCooking
Get around townThe Town
Talk about educationEducation2
Discuss spending moneyShopping 2
Talk about physical activitySport 2

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-05-28