Duolingo Data:
Alemán desde Español 70 Secciones (12/Marzo/2025):
1367 lecciones ㅤ 81 cuentos ㅤ MCER A1
wordsLearned=2890 ㅤ 151 Lecciones distintas
✳️ = Práctica de la unidad, ⚒️ = Práctica personalizada, 📖 = Cuento
Etapa 1 (10 Secciones) MCER Intro
Etapa 2 (30 Secciones) MCER A1
Etapa 3 (30 Secciones) MCER A1
Refresca tus habilidades
Etapa 1 (10 secciones) CEFR Intro:
Empieza con frases y conceptos gramaticales simples
ㅤ1ㅤ 1 Haz un pedido en un café 📝
4, 4, 2, 📪, 1
CoffeeShop, CoffeeShop, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 2 Preséntate y saluda a otros 📝
4, 4, 2, 📪, 1
Hello, Hello, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 3 Presenta a tu familia 📝
5, 5, 2, 📪, 1
Family, Family, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 4 Habla sobre comida 📝
5, 📖, 5, 2, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 1
Hungry, Good Morning, Hungry, ⚒️, A Date , 📪, ✳️, One Thing, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 5 Pregunta por direcciones 📝
5, 📖, 5, 📪, 2, 📖, 2, 📖, 1
InTheCity, Big Family, InTheCity, 📪, ⚒️, The Red Jacket, ✳️, The Passport, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 6 Habla sobre trabajos 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 2, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 1
Jobs, Honeymoon, 📪, Jobs, ⚒️, Doctor Eddy, ✳️, A New Coat, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 7 Usa el tiempo presente 📝
5, 📖, 5, 2, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 1
Sports, The New Student, Sports, ⚒️, Junior's Question, 📪, ✳️, To the Station!, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 8 Habla sobre una fiesta 📝
5, 📖, 5, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 2, 📖, 1
Party, The Vegetarian, Party, Good Morning, 📪, ⚒️, More Space, ✳️, Vacation Clothes, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 9 Habla sobre precios de comida 📝
5, 📖, 📪, 5, 📖, 2, 📖, 2, 📖, 📪, 1
Imbiss, The Reservation, 📪, Imbiss, A Date , ⚒️, I Want a Dog, ✳️, What Do You Want?, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 10 Comenta sobre comida y bebida 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 2, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1
One Star, Coffee, Please!, One Star, One Thing, ⚒️, Lily's Clothes, 📪, ✳️, At the Supermarket, 🏆
Etapa 2 (30 Secciones) MCER A1:
Aprende palabras, frases y conceptos gramaticales para conversar
ㅤ2ㅤ 1 Haz preguntas 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Questions, Can I Have It?, Questions, Big Family, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 2 Habla sobre tu familia 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Family 2, Find My Girlfriend, 📪, Family 2, The Red Jacket, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 3 Describe tu hogar 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Apartment, The Basketball Player, Apartment, The Passport, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 4 Habla sobre problemas de salud 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Sick, Two Tickets Please!, Sick, Honeymoon, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 5 Navega por el aeropuerto 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Airport, Thanks?, 📪, Airport, Doctor Eddy, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 6 Usa "möchten" para pedir amablemente 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Date Night, The Dance Class, Date Night, A New Coat, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 7 Evalúa artículos al comprar 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
FleaMarket, You're Not Mary, FleaMarket, The New Student, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 8 Explora la vida escolar 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
School, Lucy's Famous Recipe, 📪, School, Junior's Question, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 9 Ayuda con las tareas del hogar 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Help Out, Junior's Exercise, Help Out, To the Station!, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 10 Planifica actividades del fin de semana 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Weekend, The Garden, Weekend, The Vegetarian, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 11 Usa verbos para expresar preferencias 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Interests, The Perfect Person, 📪, Interests, More Space, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 12 Habla sobre pasatiempos 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Hobbies, Need Help?, Hobbies, Vacation Clothes, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 13 Disfruta de una fiesta de baile 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Dance, Junior's Choice, Dance, The Reservation, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 14 Pregunta por los sentimientos 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
CheckingIn, I Really Want a Dog, 📪, CheckingIn, I Want a Dog, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 15 Desplázate por la estación de tren 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Train Stn, The Model, Train Stn, What Do You Want?, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 16 Reserva una habitación de hotel 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Hotel, Bad Painting, Hotel, Coffee, Please!, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 17 Explora la ciudad 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Big City, Take My Photo, 📪, Big City, Lily's Clothes, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 18 Usa "können" con infinitivos 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Internship, A New Sport, Internship, At the Supermarket, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 19 Usa "querer" con infinitivos 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Let's Play, Lucy and the Dinosaurs, Let's Play, Can I Have It?, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 20 Usa "müssen" con infinitivos 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Prsntation, Where Are My Keys?, 📪, Prsntation, Find My Girlfriend, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 21 Haz compras para una barbacoa 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
BBQ, Dirty Apartment, BBQ, The Basketball Player, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 22 Habla sobre la vida universitaria 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Uni, The Monkeys, Uni, Two Tickets Please!, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 23 Navega un viaje por carretera 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Road Trip, Good Art, 📪, Road Trip, Thanks?, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 24 Organiza las rutinas diarias 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Roommate, The Waiter Is Right, Roommate, The Dance Class, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 25 Usa pronombres posesivos 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Hostel, I Feel Sick, Hostel, You're Not Mary, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 26 Habla sobre tus vecinos 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Neighbors, I Want a Pizza, 📪, Neighbors, Lucy's Famous Recipe, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 27 Desplázate por la ciudad 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Trip, The Diary, Trip, Junior's Exercise, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 28 Habla sobre el clima 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Picnic, Oscar's Flowers, Picnic, The Garden, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 29 Compra regalos 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Gifts, Always Late, 📪, Gifts, The Perfect Person, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 30 Habla sobre tu ciudad 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Hometown, Day Off, Hometown, Need Help?, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
Etapa 3 (30 Secciones) MCER A1:
Aprende conceptos básicos y oraciones para conversar
ㅤ3ㅤ 1 Usa "en" con acusativo para movimiento 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Path Section 2, Errands, Birthday Plan, Errands, Junior's Choice, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 2 Celebra cumpleaños 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Birthday 1, What's Your Name?, 📪, Birthday 1, I Really Want a Dog, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 3 Pide prestados libros y más 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Library, An Interesting Conversation, Library, The Model, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 4 Comunícate en el trabajo 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Work, Not for Kids, Work, Bad Painting, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 5 Envía cartas y paquetes 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Post, Too Dangerous, 📪, Post, Take My Photo, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 6 Participa en clase 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
In Class, Drawing in the Park, In Class, A New Sport, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 7 Usa pronombre dativo para "yo" 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Date, The Art Homework, Date, Lucy and the Dinosaurs, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 8 Participa en un concurso de repostería 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Bake off, Pizza Night, 📪, Bake off, Where Are My Keys?, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 9 Habla sobre tus hermanos 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Siblings, The Big Game, Siblings, Dirty Apartment, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 10 Planifica actividades saludables 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Healthy, Making Breakfast, Healthy, The Monkeys, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 11 Completa una tarea laboral 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Flyer, Look at My Painting, 📪, Flyer, Good Art, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 12 Planifica tu día 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Busy Day, Taxi Ride, Busy Day, The Waiter Is Right, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 13 Habla sobre tu infancia 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 1
Childhood, An Emergency, Childhood, I Feel Sick, 📪, ⚒️, I Want a Pizza, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 14 Habla sobre noches de juegos 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📪, 1
Game Night, Love Letter, 📪, Game Night, The Diary, ⚒️, Oscar's Flowers, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 15 Usa verbos separables en presente 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 1
Visitors, Vikram's Plants, Visitors, Always Late, ⚒️, Day Off, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 16 Gestiona citas médicas 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 1
Appointmt, The Cake, Appointmt, Birthday Plan, 📪, ⚒️, What's Your Name?, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 17 Expresa luchas y emociones 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📪, 1
Struggles, The Promotion, 📪, Struggles, An Interesting Conversation, ⚒️, Not for Kids, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 18 Pon excusas 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 1
Excuses, The Ex-Girlfriend, Excuses, Too Dangerous, ⚒️, Drawing in the Park, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 19 Compra un atuendo para fiesta 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 1
Fashion, The Song, Fashion, The Art Homework, 📪, ⚒️, Pizza Night, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 20 Habla sobre tu tiempo libre 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📪, 1
Relaxed, Send an Email, 📪, Relaxed, The Big Game, ⚒️, Making Breakfast, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 21 Planifica un viaje a la playa 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Beach, A Great Teacher, Beach, Look at My Painting, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 22 Usa el presente perfecto para el pasado 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Meet Cute, Car Problem, Meet Cute, Taxi Ride, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 23 Usa comandos formales 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Emergency, The Fishing Trip, 📪, Emergency, An Emergency, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 24 Practica el autocuidado 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Self Care, Fish Funeral, Self Care, Love Letter, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 25 Habla sobre donar ropa 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Donate, Free Pizza, Donate, Vikram's Plants, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 26 Explora la vida estudiantil 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Student, Surprise Ending, 📪, Student, The Cake, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 27 Describe tu hogar 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Decorate, My Favorite Band, Decorate, The Promotion, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 28 Encuentra objetos perdidos 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 3, 1
Lost Items, The Last Seat, Lost Items, The Ex-Girlfriend, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 29 Gestiona situaciones caóticas 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 3, 📪, 1
Chaos, Recycling Is Important, 📪, Chaos, The Song, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 30 Usa la negación en oraciones 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 3, 1
Surprise, Eddy's Breakup, Surprise, Send an Email, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
Refresca tus habilidades (Círculo):
1, 📖, 1, 📖, 1, 🏆
Cada lección o 🏆 tiene desafíos para conseguir el Trofeo Legendario
Cada sección tiene niveles y cofres, y cada nivel tiene lecciones.
Cada lección tiene entre 1 y 18 ejercicios (normalmente 15)
Cada 🏆 tiene entre 1 y 18 ejercicios (normalmente 15)
Cada Desafío tiene entre 1 y 18 ejercicios (normalmente 15)
Editado por Mat!/Ozone, 17 de Marzo de 2025.