Use basic words | Hello |
Introduce yourself | Greet |
Describe the weather | Today |
Talk about people | Family |
Describe daily life | Daily Life |
Use the accusative | Home |
Use possessive pronouns | Names |
Talk about languages | Languages |
Describe colors | Colors |
Talk about food | Food 1 |
Discuss countries | Countries |
Talk about animals | Animals 1 |
Discuss food | Food 2 |
Describe your clothing | Clothing |
Ask questions | Questions |
Use the present tense | Actions 1 |
Talk about your family | Family 2 |
Identify everyday objects | Useful |
Talk about your home | Home 2 |
Use past and future tenses | Actions 2 |
Talk about amounts | Numbers |
Express dates | Dates |
Talk about professions | Occupation |
Use the imperative | Requests |
Describe objects | Describe |
Give directions | Directions |
Use affixes | Affixes 1 |
Make purchases | Shopping |
Talk about time | Time |
Describe your home | Home 3 |
Talk about the internet | Internet |
Use adverbs | Adverbs |
Talk about art | Arts |
Express your feelings | Feelings |
Describe places | Places |
Talk about people | People |
Talk about your body | The Body |
Use the -ig suffix | Causing |
Talk about abstract actions | Actions 3 |
Use the -iĝ suffix | Becoming |
Talk about health | Health |
Describe your travels | Travel |
Use affixes | Affixes 2 |
Use expressions | Expression |
Discuss education | Education |
Talk about nature | Nature |
Discuss sports | Sports 1 |
Use affixes | Affixes 3 |
Express your ideas | Ideas |
Talk about languages | Languages2 |
Describe your travels | Voyages |
Use active participles | Activity |
Discuss sports | Sports 2 |
Talk about communication | Media |
Discuss abstract ideas | Concepts |
Talk about health | Medical |
Use passive participles | All Done |
Talk about events | Events |
Describe animals | Animals 2 |
Talk about commerce | Business |
Discuss politics | Politics |
Talk about the earth | The Earth |
Discuss religion | Spiritual |
Discuss science | Science |
Talk about romance | Let'sFlirt |
Discuss esperanto culture | Eo-Culture |
Talk about finances | Financial |
Expand your vocabulary | WordBuild |
Make small talk | Let's Chat |