Duolingo Data:
French from English 272 Units, 1022 Different Lessons:

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Teaching Objective DebugName
Use basic phrasesBasics 1
Greet peopleGreetings
Introduce yourselfBasics 2
Use the present tensePeople
Good MorningStory: Good Morning
A DateStory: A Date
One ThingStory: One Thing
Get around townTravel
A Big FamilyStory: Big Family
I Want This Jacket!Story: The Red Jacket
The PassportStory: The Passport
Refer to family membersFamily
The HoneymoonStory: Honeymoon
Eddy, the DoctorStory: Doctor Eddy
The BagStory: A New Coat
Talk about things you doActivity
The New StudentStory: The New Student
A QuestionStory: Junior's Question
To the Station!Story: To the Station!
Form the pluralPeople 2
The VegetarianStory: The Vegetarian
Use the present tensePres Tense 1
More SpaceStory: More Space
Clothes for My VacationStory: Vacation Clothes
Describe your familyFamily 2
The ReservationStory: The Reservation
The DogStory: I Want a Dog
What Do You Want?Story: What Do You Want?
Order food and drinkRestaurant
A Coffee, PleaseStory: Coffee, Please!
Lily's ClothesStory: Lily's Clothes
At the SupermarketStory: At the Supermarket
Use gender and number agreementCity
I Want This GameStory: Can I Have It?
Discuss destinationsTravel 2
Where Is Your Girlfriend?Story: Find My Girlfriend
Describe your homeAt Home
The Basketball PlayerStory: The Basketball Player
Describe where you workAt Work
A Ticket to New YorkStory: Two Tickets Please!
Talk about foodFood
Thanks?Story: Thanks?
Use gender and number agreementAgreement
Use the present tenseHabits
The Dance ClassStory: The Dance Class
Shop for clothesShopping
Where Is Marie?Story: You're Not Mary
Exchange personal informationPeople 3
Lucie's Famous RecipeStory: Lucy's Famous Recipe
Use the infinitiveCity 2
Junior ExercisesStory: Junior's Exercise
Ask people about themselvesFriends
The GardenStory: The Garden
Ask questionsPeople 4
The Perfect PersonStory: The Perfect Person
Tell timeAt Home 2
Can I Help You?Story: Need Help?
Form the present tensePres Tense 2
Talk to someone formallyTravel 3
Junior's ChoiceStory: Junior's Choice
Talk about hobbiesActivity 2
I Really Want a DogStory: I Really Want a Dog
Describe your breakfastBreakfast
The ModelStory: The Model
The PortraitStory: Bad Painting
Discuss travel plansVacation
Can You Take a Picture of Me?Story: Take My Photo
The New SportStory: A New Sport
Talk about schoolSchool
Lucie and the DinosaursStory: Lucy and the Dinosaurs
Where Are My Keys?Story: Where Are My Keys?
Share work schedulesAt Work 2
The Kitchen Is Really DirtyStory: Dirty Apartment
The MonkeysStory: The Monkeys
Book a hotelHotel
This Is Not ArtStory: Good Art
Use articlesArticles
The Waiter Is RightStory: The Waiter Is Right
Describe your routineRoutine
I Feel SickStory: I Feel Sick
I Want a PizzaStory: I Want a Pizza
Talk about the weatherWeather
The DiaryStory: The Diary
Oscar's FlowersStory: Oscar's Flowers
Describe peoplePeople 5
Always LateStory: Always Late
Day OffStory: Day Off
Express feelingsSensations
Junior's BirthdayStory: Birthday Plan
Shop for groceriesGroceries
What's Your Name?Story: What's Your Name?
Shop for clothesShopping 2
An Interesting ConversationStory: An Interesting Conversation
Get directionsCity 3
That's Not for Kids!Story: Not for Kids
Talk about days and timesRoutine 2
It's Too Dangerous!Story: Too Dangerous
Use reflexive verbsReflexives
Talk about free timeLeisure
Drawing in the ParkStory: Drawing in the Park
Express opinionsOpinion
The Art HomeworkStory: The Art Homework
Use direct object pronounsFriends 2
Pizza NightStory: Pizza Night
Talk about natureNature
The Big GameStory: The Big Game
Describe your familyFamily 3
BreakfastStory: Making Breakfast
Communicate at schoolSchool 2
Look at My PaintingStory: Look at My Painting
Talk about cookingFood 2
In the TaxiStory: Taxi Ride
Describe your scheduleRoutine 3
It's an Emergency!Story: An Emergency
Use savoir and connaîtreTo Know
Love LetterStory: Love Letter
Make vacation plansTravel 4
Vikram's PlantsStory: Vikram's Plants
The CakeStory: The Cake
Talk about your healthHealth
The PromotionStory: The Promotion
It's My Ex!Story: The Ex-Girlfriend
Describe housingHousing
The SongStory: The Song
Send an EmailStory: Send an Email
Communicate with coworkersAt Work 3
An Excellent TeacherStory: A Great Teacher
Car ProblemsStory: Car Problem
Use the imperfectMemories
A Day FishingStory: The Fishing Trip
Burial at SeaStory: Fish Funeral
Talk about recent eventsLeisure 2
Free PizzaStory: Free Pizza
Weird EndingStory: Surprise Ending
Make offers and requestsAt Home 3
My Favorite BandStory: My Favorite Band
Use commandsCommands
Sit DownStory: The Last Seat
Talk about a recent tripTravel 5
Recycling Is ImportantStory: Recycling Is Important
Eddy's BreakupStory: Eddy's Breakup
Use the present tenseCity 4
Thanks, Mom!Story: Thanks, Mom
Describe your weekendWeekend
You Can Talk?Story: You Can Talk?
Use the past tensePast Tense 1
Describe people you knowAt Work 4
At the CampsiteStory: Camping!
Talk about classesSchool 3
Sleeping At Your PlaceStory: Weekend Visit
Refer to extended familyFamily 4
Two TicketsStory: The Horror Movie
Talk about ParisParis
You're Getting OlderStory: Getting Older
Comment on clothesShopping 3
New Year, New BéaStory: New Year, New Bea
Make requestsAt Home 4
Going to RomeStory: Going to Rome
Shop at a marketFood 3
Second DateStory: Second Date
Discuss TV, films, and booksLeisure 3
Can I Take Your Picture?Story: Can I Take a Picture?
Use the past tensePast Tense 2
The LetterStory: The Letter
Use indirect object pronounsAt Work 5
Communicate at a hotelHotel 2
Too FastStory: Too Fast
Talk about spending moneyShopping 4
I Have a White Hair!Story: Gray Hair
Talk about family gatheringsFamily 5
A Pink DressStory: Dress Shopping
Share travel experiencesTravel 6
The ElevatorStory: Falling Elevator
Talk about technologyTechnology
My Cousin's WeddingStory: A Wedding Story
Use the imperfect tensePast Tense 3
Discuss games and mediaLeisure 4
The Manager's OfficeStory: The Manager's Office
Talk about exerciseSports
My Grandmother's RecipeStory: Grandmother's Recipe
Discuss moneyMoney
A Love StoryStory: A Love Story
I Don't Believe in HoroscopesStory: Horoscopes Aren't Real
Comment on foodsCooking
The Sandwich ThiefStory: The Sandwich Thief
You're Breaking up with Me?Story: The Breakup
Make plans to go outGoing Out
Did the Recipe Change?Story: Pasta Problem
This Tastes StrangeStory: This Tastes Strange
Talk about your pastLife
The Wedding CakeStory: The Dragon Cake
Finding Love!Story: Is This Love?
Make transit plansTransit
The Boxing MatchStory: The Boxing Match
Flat TireStory: Flat Tire
Use commandsIn Town
A Great Tent!Story: What a Great Tent!
Use the past with êtrePast Tense 4
The PremiereStory: The Movie Premiere
Describe what's in your homeDecorating
It's Time to ChangeStory: Time for a Change
Talk about artArts
I Want the SandwichStory: I Want the Sandwich
Communicate in an emergencyEmergency
The #ce82ff DuckStory: The Wrong Duck
Use the future tenseDream Trip
Let's Ask for DirectionsStory: Asking for Directions
Communicate with a doctorDoctor
The SweaterStory: Summer Sweater
Talk about the weatherWeather 2
It's Quite an ArtStory: The Coffee Artist
Use the future tenseFuture Tense
Talk about possessionsJunk
My Leg HurtsStory: My Leg Hurts
Talk about the futureEducation
The Old WomanStory: I Saw You
Talk about a bad dayBad Day
Dinner with the CEOStory: Dinner with the CEO
Discuss careersCareer
Oscar in Los AngelesStory: Oscar in Los Angeles
Express yourself politelyManners
Airport VacationStory: Airport Vacation
Shop for salesOn Sale
Zari Learns to DriveStory: Zari's Driving Lesson
Use the gerundNightmare
Who's Coming to Dinner?Story: Who's Coming to Dinner?
Use the conditionalGrooming
Perfect for the JobStory: Perfect for the Job
Use past reflexive verbsReflexives 2
Make requestsRequests
The Best GradeStory: The Best Grade
Last Night's DinnerStory: Terrible Date
Discuss protestsProtest
He's Calling Me?Story: Leave a Message
The Security QuestionStory: The Security Question
Order at a restaurantDining Out
Work from HomeStory: Work from Home
The DrawingStory: The Drawing
Comment on sportsSports 2
The Right TimeStory: The Right Time
The BakeryStory: The Bakery
Communicate in classClassroom
The New HobbyStory: New Hobby
The Boy I LoveStory: The Boy I Love
Talk about road tripsRoad Trip
A Scream in the NightStory: A Scream on the Night Train
Vikram's SurpriseStory: Vikram's Surprise
Discuss emergenciesRescue
I Want to Be like YouStory: I Want to Be like You
Bird SittingStory: Bird Sitting
Talk about meeting peopleEncounters
Lily Tidies Up the ApartmentStory: Lily Helps with the Trash
The HackerStory: The Hacker
Order at a bistroBistro
I Love Your HaircutStory: I Love Your Haircut
New JeansStory: New Jeans
Talk about festivalsFestival
The New RoommateStory: New Roommate
Use object pronounsObjects
A Great ConcertStory: Girl Band
Use rien and personneLet's Fly
Janelle's PlayStory: Janet's Play
Long-Distance RelationshipStory: Long-Distance Girlfriend
Discuss giftsFor You
Space TurtlesStory: Space Turtles
TurbulenceStory: Turbulence
Talk about schoolAt School
The PartyStory: House Party
Vote for Eddy!Story: Eddy for Mayor
Discuss relationshipsTogether
Famous on Social MediaStory: Famous on Social Media
Beach DayStory: Beach Day
Describe career plansCareer 2
I Really Want This JobStory: The Interview
The Tea SetStory: The Tea Set
Express opinionsOpinion 2
I Love PiratesStory: Pirates Are Cool
Eat Your VegetablesStory: Eat Your Vegetables
Talk about the outdoorsNature 2
Are We No Longer Cool?Story: Are We Cool?
Use the future tenseFuture 2
One StarStory: One Star
Use relative pronounsCouples
Sunset CruiseStory: The Sunset Cruise
The Boss's SonStory: The Boss's Son
Discuss athleticsAthletes
The Magic SchoolStory: The Magic School
Eddy the PrincessStory: Eddy the Princess
Talk about the pastMemories 2
A Fancy PartyStory: The Boat Party
Too DifferentStory: Too Different
Talk about the environmentEarth
More GarlicStory: It Needs More Garlic
I've ChangedStory: I've Changed
Discuss your healthHealth 2
You Should Go OutStory: Leave the House
Oscar's BirthdayStory: Oscar's Birthday
Talk about your jobOffice
The AstronautStory: The Astronaut
Dancing Is EasyStory: How to Dance
Use y and enTown
I Love BoxingStory: I Love Boxing
A Big HeadStory: Big Head
Talk about your siblingsSiblings
Too NiceStory: Too Nice
Use pronounsPronouns
Choosing a GiftStory: Shopping for a Gift
Follow recipesRecipes
Haunted HotelStory: Haunted Hotel
The Magic TrickStory: The Magic Trick
Read a celebrity interviewInterview
An Old FriendStory: An Old Friend
The Big SlideStory: The Big Slide
Describe a weddingWedding
The Reading ClubStory: The Book Club
Be HonestStory: Be Honest
Communicate on a tripTourism
At the GymStory: At the Gym
Pie ContestStory: The Pie Festival
I Need to PracticeStory: I Need to Practice
Describe household tasksAt Home 5
Going Away PartyStory: Going Away Party
The Spicy SoupStory: The Spicy Soup
Too ExpensiveStory: It's Too Expensive
Discuss travel abroadAbroad
The FrogStory: The Frog
Lily's PaintingStory: Lily's Painting
I Can Do ItStory: I Can Do Anything
Talk about the internetInternet
An Important DecisionStory: An Important Decision
Are You Sick?Story: Are You Sick?
First ClassStory: First Class
Comment on foodsLeisure 5
Potato Chips and PajamasStory: Pajamas and Potato Chips
You LostStory: The Rejection Letter
A Long FlightStory: The Long Flight
Use relative pronounsWardrobe
The Baby PictureStory: The Baby Photo
Talk about eatingLet's Eat
The MoveStory: Moving
Form commandsCommands 2
Discuss past relationshipsOld Flames
The BrideStory: The Bride
Talk about technologyTech
A Fancy WeddingStory: A Fancy Wedding
Describe coworkersColleagues
I'm the One DrivingStory: I'm Driving
Discuss household choresClean Up
Fifty Years LaterStory: The Reunion
Narrate in the pastMysteries
Let's Move the BedStory: Move the Bed
Use passive voiceShow
The New AppStory: The New App
Talk about sportsSports 3
Eddy's EmergencyStory: That's Not Dinner
Follow a recipeCooking 2
Eddy's HaircutStory: Eddy's New Haircut
Describe student lifeStudying
The Wedding GiftStory: The Wedding Present
Talk on the phonePhone Call
Béa's DateStory: Bea's Date
Use the gerundLe gérondif
Use past participlesAdventure
The Wedding AnniversaryStory: Waiting for George
Describe your childhoodChildhood
I Am Going to Run a Marathon!Story: Marathon Runner
Talk about feelingsFeelings
Aliens ExistStory: Aliens Are Real
Discuss unfortunate eventsMischief
The Space VikingStory: Space Viking
Express obligationAt Work 6
Bad ReceptionStory: Bad Reception
Describe a medical problemGet Well
A Boat RideStory: Without a Paddle
Talk in classIn Class
A Perfect AnniversaryStory: A Perfect Anniversary
Use agreement with objectsAgreement 2
Describe social issuesSociety
Where Is the Dog?Story: Front Window
Use the conditionalWould You
Whatever Junior WantsStory: Whatever Junior Wants
Talk about a new jobNew Job
The PasswordStory: The Password
Make suggestionsPastimes
Junior Makes a MessStory: Junior Makes a Mess
Communicate at a partyThe Party
The AuditionStory: The Audition
Horror MovieStory: Scary Movie
Discuss travel abroadAbroad 2
Aunt ÉlisabethStory: Aunt Betty
Twenty YearsStory: Twenty Years
Use the conditionalNew Home
Junior's InterviewStory: Junior's Interview
Use the subjunctiveSubj 1
The DrummerStory: The Drummer
Describe your neighborsNeighbors
Sorry to Be LateStory: Sorry I'm Late
Talk about dressing upDress Up
Pretty TieStory: Nice Tie
Use your imaginationImagine
The AccidentStory: The Accident
Describe work issuesOffice 2
The Film Is StartingStory: Late for the Movie
Talk about home repairsFix It
This Is Not a DateStory: Is This a Date?
Discuss moviesArts 2
The ExhibitionStory: The Art Show
Use the conditionalCond 1
Talk about classesStudying 2
Look at the WhalesStory: Whale Watching
Discuss gardeningGarden
I Can Repair It!Story: I Can Fix It!
Talk about transitEn Route
Hannah's PartyStory: Hannah's Party
Narrate past eventsAnd Then
Eddy's MeetingStory: Eddy's Meeting
Talk about crimeCriminals
I'm the BossStory: I'm the Manager
Give medical adviceGet Well 2
Is Your Wifi Working?Story: Is Your Wi-Fi Working?
Describe urban lifeLife 2
The Worst SeasonStory: The Worst Season
Use the subjunctiveBusiness
Call a Doctor!Story: Call a Doctor!
Discuss the distant pastPast Tense 5
Describe a neighborhoodBuildings
Lin's ResumeStory: Lin's Resume
Talk about communicationIn Touch
The Baking ContestStory: The Great Baking Show
Talk about french foodCuisine
The RefundStory: The Refund
Discuss politicsPolitics
Something NewStory: Something New
Use the conditionalIn Class 2
Zari's CostumeStory: The Lost Costume
The Cat LawStory: The Cat Rule
Express a reactionReactions
Don't Feed the SealsStory: Don't Feed the Seals
The Yoga ClassStory: Yoga Class
Comment on clothesClothes
Junior Gets VaccinatedStory: The Flu Shot
Where's My Jacket?Story: Where's My Jacket?
Express opinionsCommentary
Thief!Story: Bad Monkey
Use the subjunctiveSubj 2
The ListStory: The List
Talk about the outdoorsOutdoors
A Monster under the BedStory: Monster under the Bed
CousinsStory: Cousins
Talk about your familyFamilies
Inhale, ExhaleStory: Inhale, Exhale
At the Front RowStory: Front Row
Discuss home repairsServices
Eddy's Night OutStory: Eddy's Night Out
Describe what's on tvOn TV
Checking InStory: Checking In
Discuss sports eventsAthletics
Bad at SoccerStory: Bad at Soccer
Talk about choresAt Home 6
What's Your Recipe?Story: What's the Recipe?
Talk about getting wellTake Care
On the NewsStory: On the News
Discuss a trip to ParisParis 2
Save the Animals!Story: Save the Animals!
Use the past tensePast Tense 6
Describe a bad vacationVacation 2
Junior's New CompanyStory: Junior's New Business
Express needsSchool 4
Too Many ThingsStory: Too Much Stuff
Use the subjunctiveTeamwork
Secret HideoutStory: Secret Place
Discuss cooking mishapsFresh Food
Eddy's TearsStory: Eddy's Tears
Communicate on a planeOn Board
I'm Fine!Story: I'm Fine!
Comment on artArts 3
Surprise PartyStory: Surprise Party
Talk about holidaysHolidays
The Principal's OfficeStory: The Principal's Office
Discuss world newsWorld News
Is She Mad at Me?Story: Is She Mad at Me?
Use the subjunctiveSubj 3
Reminisce about the pastFamilies 2
The Best CookiesStory: The Best Cookies
Use reported speechWorkplace
Dating AppsStory: Dating Apps
Describe a film setOn The Set
My Horse Hates MeStory: My Horse Hates Me
Say what could have beenStudies
The VideotapeStory: The Videotape
Talk about transitIn Transit
Remove This StatueStory: Remove This Statue
Blame othersBlame
A Tiny HatStory: Tiny Hat
Use past conditionalCond 2
Express regretMishaps
The MountainStory: The Mountain
A Difficult PersonStory: A Difficult Person
Describe farms and gardensHarvest
Pirate ParkStory: Pirate Land
I Can Predict the FutureStory: I Can Predict the Future
Talk about workAt Work 7
Uncle Édouard's HouseStory: Uncle Edward's House
Get out of Here!Story: Get Out!
Describe a summer vacationSee You
Late FeesStory: Late Fees
At SunriseStory: Painting at Sunrise
Talk about classesLearning
A Relaxing WeekendStory: A Relaxing Weekend
Hike in the ForestStory: Nature Hike
Ask for permissionSchool 5
My Money, My DecisionStory: My Money, My Rules
Support a claimHiring
Eddy's Household ChoresStory: Eddy's Chores
Criticize foodCriticize\n
A Real PrinceStory: A Real Prince
Discuss bad behaviorMischief 2
Dogs to LoveStory: Adopt These Dogs
Describe home repairsServices 2
Dog Walker AvailableStory: Dog Walker for Hire
Express opinionsOpinion 3
Junior's First KissStory: Junior's First Kiss
Discuss pros and consLifestyles
Lin Wants to Be on TVStory: Lin's Audition
Use relative pronounsPronouns 2
Thanks for This Unforgettable EveningStory: Thanks for the Memories
Discuss the futureOur Planet
Eddy Gets an OfferStory: Eddy Gets an Offer
Looking for a BabysitterStory: Looking for a Babysitter
Talk about crimeCrime
Letter to EddyStory: A Letter to Eddy
Eddy, Star for a DayStory: Eddy's Big Debut
Express likelihoodOutdoors 2
Ghost Hunting ReportStory: Ghost Hunting Log
Ghost HuntersStory: Supernatural Cleaners Reviews
Warn someoneTogether 2
City Aquarium NewsletterStory: City Aquarium Newsletter
Clean Beach OperationStory: Beach Clean Up
Discuss responsibilitiesObligation
Space AdventureStory: JJ's Astronaut Adventures
Camp for Young AstronautsStory: Astronaut Camp
Challenge clichésCliché
Cake to DeliverStory: Cake Delivery
Lin's Towing ServiceStory: Lin's Towing Service
Express regretHang Out
Oscar's Diary, May 16Story: Oscar's Diary Entry, May 16th
Use passive voicePassive
A Romantic DateStory: A Romantic Date
Navigate travel issuesProblems
More SugarStory: Spilled Sugar
The Forgotten Action FigureStory: The Action Figure
Discuss food preferencesFoodies
On the Dance FloorStory: Junior's Dance Moves
Art Class RulesStory: Art Class Rules
Talk about memoriesNostalgia
Oscar Has a Day OffStory: Oscar's Day Off
Béa the PhotographerStory: Bea the Photographer
Talk informallyBreak Time
Get Back TogetherStory: Get Back Together
Zari Is in Low SpiritsStory: Zari's Crisis
Describe symptomsPharmacy
How to Pass for a TeenStory: Junior the Teenager
Express worriesWedding 2
Fly, Baby BirdStory: Baby Bird
Communicate requirementsPaperwork
Lily Acts as an InterpreterStory: Lily the Interpreter
Share opinionsComics
Eddy's Cooking TipsStory: Eddy's Cooking Tips
Review past tensesTales
Pirate PostStory: Pirate Post
Use verbs with à and deVerbs
Express surpriseGossip
Anything for LilyStory: Impressing Lily
Discuss change over timeReunion
Eddy's Dating ProfileStory: Eddy's Dating Profile
He Stole My Style!Story: Stolen Art
Talk about technologyComputer
Under WarrantyStory: The Warranty
Get Me Out of Here!Story: Locked In
Describe school lifeSchool 6
Get Well SoonStory: Get Well Soon
Festivals: A Survival GuideStory: Surviving a Music Festival
Read literary textsFables
What Did I Miss?Story: What Did I Miss?
Information for the Movie Theater StaffStory: Movie Theater Memo
Lucie Listens to YouStory: Dear Lucy
Young Talent CompetitionStory: Talent Show
Talk about a moveMoving
Express empathyHeartache
Art for Small BudgetsStory: Buying Art on a Budget
A True ExpertStory: A True Expert
Describe work lifeChanges
Do You Remember Me?Story: Remember Me?
Formal AttireStory: Formal Attire
Talk about one's cityDowntown
Oscar Is BabysittingStory: Oscar the Babysitter
Review present and pastTenses
'Panic at the Museum - Player's Review'Story: 'Museum of Doom - A Review'
Talk about blameChores
Fake DateStory: The Practice Date
Babysitter 2.0Story: Selecting Movies for Babysitting
Make formal requestsPoliteness
Lin Is Enjoying NatureStory: Happy Camper
Roommate ContractStory: The Roommate Agreement
Imagine what ifDreaming
Save the CrabsStory: Save the Crabs
How to Write a BestsellerStory: Writing an Award-Winning Memoir
Contrast opinionsDebate
Park RenovationsStory: Local Park Renovations
A Threat to the NeighborhoodStory: Neighborhood Threat
Make polite requestsFavor
Thanks for the BikeStory: Thanks for the Bike
Navigate a negotiationNegotiate
One Shouldn't Rush an Artist!Story: You Can't Rush Art
Provide explanationsRoommates
The Weekly NewsStory: This Week's School Highlights
Tell someone about a recent eventWork Party
Junior's Birthday PartyStory: Junior's Birthday Party
Discuss the world of cinemaCinema
Used Laptop for SaleStory: Used Laptop for Sale
Talk about trends in social lifeTime Off
The RivalStory: The Rival
Use past tensesPasTense 7
Compare and contrast culinary featsCook Off
The Second-Hand JacketStory: The Vintage Jacket
Karaoke ControversyStory: Karaoke Controversy
Express frustrationBeauty
Good Pastries, Bad ServiceStory: Great Food, Bad Service
A Grown-up BirthdayStory: A Grown-up Birthday
Request a refundShopping 5
The Art of RelaxationStory: Mastering Relaxation
A Historic Power OutageStory: The Great Blackout
Navigate a touchy subjectDinner
My Frog Feels LonelyStory: The Lonely Frog
Not Bad, This Bakery!Story: Pretty Good Bakery
Recount an unpleasant experienceFirst date
I'm InnocentStory: I'm Innocent
Zari Versus LilyStory: Zari vs. Lily
Make deductions to solve a crimeDetective
The PlaywrightStory: The Playwright
The New CoachStory: The New Coach
Discuss clothing design and materialsFashion
Vikram's Sick LeaveStory: Vikram's Sick Day
Express conditionsCond 3
Lin's Letter of RecommendationStory: Lin's Letter of Recommendation
Encourage and congratulate someoneNew Baby
Highly QualifiedStory: Super Qualified
The New OvenStory: The New Oven
Make and rearrange travel plansProblems 2
Oscar's Reception InvitationStory: Oscar's Winter Gathering Invitation
Time TravelStory: The Time-Traveler
Make suggestionsTensions
The Art CompetitionStory: The Art Competition
Lin Moves OutStory: Lin Moves Out
Express certainty and uncertaintyTraffic
Eddy Reads a Parenting BookStory: Eddy's Parenting Book
The Art of PersuasionStory: The Art of Persuasion
Express disappointmentRunway
I Know the LandlordStory: I Know the Landlord
Guess the Smell!Story: What's That Smell?
Discuss taking care of petsNew Pet
Retrospective of Last YearStory: Year in Review
Talk about travel preferencesTrip
Cousin LinoStory: Cousin Lou
Discus physical activitiesSports 4
Camp for Young ArtistsStory: Art Camp
Make small talkChatting
Lin the Cat SitterStory: Cat Sitting
Use the future tenseFuture 3
Navigate transactionsNew House
The Luxury HotelStory: The Fancy Hotel
Give and respond to commandsAt Work 8
A Romantic WeekendStory: Romantic Getaway
Speculate about someone's absenceReception
Lily Delivers Your Bad News!Story: The Rejection Business
Talk about natureNature 3
The Cool BakeryStory: The Coolest Bakery
Express irritationTeenager
Request for the HolidaysStory: Holiday Request
The Bakery's New RulesStory: Updated Bakery Policies
Discuss historyHeritage
A Big CommitmentStory: A Big Commitment
The MatchmakerStory: The Matchmaker
Express limits, suggest alternativesCrisis
Lin's ChoresStory: Lin's Chores
The Rival CoachStory: The Rival Coach
Talk about electionsElections
Nobody's PerfectStory: Nobody’s Perfect
Give commandsCommands 3
The Art DirectorStory: The Art Department
Express incredulityAlien
The Best of Our CityStory: Best of the City
New Walking Tour!Story: New Walking Tour!
Talk about shoppingMarket
Dear Concerned ParentsStory: Dear Concerned Parents
The Weekend ManagerStory: The Weekend Manager
Prompt a discussionTalk Show
The EclipseStory: The Eclipse
How to Eat for Free According to LinStory: Lin's Guide to Free Food
Express exasperationWorst Day
The AuctionStory: The Auction
Positive ThinkingStory: Positive Thinking
Read the literary pastClassics
The School Ski TripStory: The Ski Trip
Lin the LawyerStory: Lin the Lawyer
Communicate poeticallyPoetry
A Frog at the OperaStory: Opera Frog
The Secret BuyerStory: The Secret Buyer
Discuss progressWell Done
My Ex's WeddingStory: My Ex's Wedding
Second PlaceStory: Second Place
A Beautiful Red DressRadio: A Beautiful Red Dress
A Family PictureRadio: A Family Picture
A White PlateRadio: A White Plate
Adoptions animalesRadio: Adoptions animales
Agent robotiqueRadio: Agent robotique
Air purRadio: Air pur
Always LateRadio: Always Late
Amie dévouéeRadio: Amie dévouée
Amour et robotsRadio: Amour et robots
An Old ChairRadio: An Old Chair
An unusual OrderRadio: An unusual Order
Anniversaires organisésRadio: Anniversaires organisés
Antilles rêveusesRadio: Antilles rêveuses
Apéro sans alcoolRadio: Apéro sans alcool
Application ferroviaireRadio: Application ferroviaire
Art recycléRadio: Art recyclé
Arthur's EmailsRadio: Arthur's Emails
Athlète grecRadio: Athlète grec
Averse surpriseRadio: Averse surprise
Barbecue orageuxRadio: Barbecue orageux
Bijoux scintillantsRadio: Bijoux scintillants
Bilingual ParentsRadio: Bilingual Parents
Boring RoutineRadio: Boring Routine
Boring SisterRadio: Boring Sister
Bottes parlantesRadio: Bottes parlantes
Bouchons d'étéRadio: Bouchons d'été
Bracelet intelligentRadio: Bracelet intelligent
Brosser le chienRadio: Brosser le chien
Bulletin scolaireRadio: Bulletin scolaire
Bureau de posteRadio: Bureau de poste
Câble intelligentRadio: Câble intelligent
Cadeau spécialRadio: Cadeau spécial
Café littéraireRadio: Café littéraire
Canapé coloréRadio: Canapé coloré
Canicule espagnoleRadio: Canicule espagnole
Chambre désordonnéeRadio: Chambre désordonnée
Championnat handisportRadio: Championnat handisport
Changement de carrièreRadio: Changement de carrière
Chapeau spécialRadio: Chapeau spécial
Chauffeur héroïqueRadio: Chauffeur héroïque
Chaussures intelligentesRadio: Chaussures intelligentes
Chaussures secrètesRadio: Chaussures secrètes
Chemisiers en linRadio: Chemisiers en lin
Chocolats suissesRadio: Chocolats suisses
Cinéphiles romainsRadio: Cinéphiles romains
Cirque municipalRadio: Cirque municipal
Citadelle historiqueRadio: Citadelle historique
Classic Spy TeamRadio: Classic Spy Team
Clown drôleRadio: Clown drôle
Club de danseRadio: Club de danse
Coach inspirantRadio: Coach inspirant
Code du travailRadio: Code du travail
Coded BreakfastRadio: Coded Breakfast
Cold EasterRadio: Cold Easter
Colliers mensuelsRadio: Colliers mensuels
Conte magiqueRadio: Conte magique
Cooking with FriendsRadio: Cooking with Friends
Costume de dinosaureRadio: Costume de dinosaure
Costume traditionnelRadio: Costume traditionnel
Cours d'esthétiqueRadio: Cours d'esthétique
Cours gratuitsRadio: Cours gratuits
Cours juridiquesRadio: Cours juridiques
Crème solaireRadio: Crème solaire
Crêpe tunisienneRadio: Crêpe tunisienne
Croissants and CatsRadio: Croissants and Cats
Cuisine camerounaiseRadio: Cuisine camerounaise
Danse du dragonRadio: Danse du dragon
Débats scolairesRadio: Débats scolaires
Déguisements insolitesRadio: Déguisements insolites
Déménagement internationalRadio: Déménagement international
Devenir beau-parentRadio: Devenir beau-parent
Devenir vétérinaireRadio: Devenir vétérinaire
Dîner romantiqueRadio: Dîner romantique
Dinner familialRadio: Dinner familial
Doctor or Writer?Radio: Doctor or Writer?
Échange complexeRadio: Échange complexe
Échange risquéRadio: Échange risqué
École traditionnelleRadio: École traditionnelle
Élections perduesRadio: Élections perdues
Embouteillages frustrantsRadio: Embouteillages frustrants
Enfants bruyantsRadio: Enfants bruyants
Entente parfaiteRadio: Entente parfaite
Étangs gelésRadio: Étangs gelés
Excuses magiquesRadio: Excuses magiques
Exposition artistiqueRadio: Exposition artistique
Expressions amusantesRadio: Expressions amusantes
Fables modernesRadio: Fables modernes
Faire-part espagnolsRadio: Faire-part espagnols
Ferme écologiqueRadio: Ferme écologique
Foreign StudentsRadio: Foreign Students
Foulard en dentelleRadio: Foulard en dentelle
Frère aînéRadio: Frère aîné
Fuite de gazRadio: Fuite de gaz
Futur acteurRadio: Futur acteur
Gags d'AstérixRadio: Gags d'Astérix
Garden of SecretsRadio: Garden of Secrets
Gâteau facileRadio: Gâteau facile
Gâteau maisonRadio: Gâteau maison
Gâteau trop grandRadio: Gâteau trop grand
Gâteaux chimiquesRadio: Gâteaux chimiques
Gendarmerie suisseRadio: Gendarmerie suisse
Glaçons fruitésRadio: Glaçons fruités
Grande mosquéeRadio: Grande mosquée
Gratin brûléRadio: Gratin brûlé
Grève ouvrièreRadio: Grève ouvrière
Grille-pain casséRadio: Grille-pain cassé
Grocery ListRadio: Grocery List
Grotte étroiteRadio: Grotte étroite
Handball allemandRadio: Handball allemand
Haute coutureRadio: Haute couture
Hidden PolitenessRadio: Hidden Politeness
Hiking, but Not in SummerRadio: Hiking, but Not in Summer
Hip-hop champêtreRadio: Hip-hop champêtre
Home Before MidnightRadio: Home Before Midnight
Homework SessionRadio: Homework Session
Idée débranchéeRadio: Idée débranchée
Info localeRadio: Info locale
Instrument algérienRadio: Instrument algérien
Jardin coloréRadio: Jardin coloré
Jeux anciensRadio: Jeux anciens
Jugements musicauxRadio: Jugements musicaux
La chèvre farceuseRadio: La chèvre farceuse
L'âne fermierRadio: L'âne fermier
Late MeetingsRadio: Late Meetings
Le vrai soutienRadio: Le vrai soutien
Les marmottesRadio: Les marmottes
Lieux tranquillesRadio: Lieux tranquilles
L'île lointaineRadio: L'île lointaine
Livre préféréRadio: Livre préféré
Livres échangésRadio: Livres échangés
Location de bateauxRadio: Location de bateaux
Macarons dursRadio: Macarons durs
Machine à caféRadio: Machine à café
Machine explosiveRadio: Machine explosive
Machine nettoyanteRadio: Machine nettoyante
Magasin roseRadio: Magasin rose
Magazines de modeRadio: Magazines de mode
Matériel scolaireRadio: Matériel scolaire
Mayonnaise maisonRadio: Mayonnaise maison
Meal PlansRadio: Meal Plans
Menu surpriseRadio: Menu surprise
Mesurer le jardinRadio: Mesurer le jardin
Métier de maçonRadio: Métier de maçon
Mètre perduRadio: Mètre perdu
Métropole ensoleilléeRadio: Métropole ensoleillée
Meuble violetRadio: Meuble violet
Mirror, MirrorRadio: Mirror, Mirror
Montagne cachéeRadio: Montagne cachée
Multilingual StrangersRadio: Multilingual Strangers
Musculation japonaiseRadio: Musculation japonaise
Museum DirectionsRadio: Museum Directions
Music and ChocolateRadio: Music and Chocolate
My CupRadio: My Cup
My French BookRadio: My French Book
My Red CouchRadio: My Red Couch
My Yellow CoatRadio: My Yellow Coat
Mystère résoluRadio: Mystère résolu
Mystères des incendiesRadio: Mystères des incendies
Mysterious PricesRadio: Mysterious Prices
Niveau avancéRadio: Niveau avancé
Nom changeantRadio: Nom changeant
Nouveaux colocatairesRadio: Nouveaux colocataires
Nouvel élèveRadio: Nouvel élève
Nouvelle épouseRadio: Nouvelle épouse
Nouvelle fêteRadio: Nouvelle fête
Nouvelle imprimanteRadio: Nouvelle imprimante
Nuits blanchesRadio: Nuits blanches
Ovni nocturneRadio: Ovni nocturne
Palais historiqueRadio: Palais historique
Pansements intelligentsRadio: Pansements intelligents
Pantoufles indestructiblesRadio: Pantoufles indestructibles
Parapente extrêmeRadio: Parapente extrême
Parapluie audacieuxRadio: Parapluie audacieux
Parapluie intelligentRadio: Parapluie intelligent
Parapluie médicalRadio: Parapluie médical
Parapluie pliableRadio: Parapluie pliable
Parapluies colorésRadio: Parapluies colorés
Parapluies intelligentsRadio: Parapluies intelligents
Parler en publicRadio: Parler en public
Petit déjeuner convivialRadio: Petit déjeuner convivial
Petites touchesRadio: Petites touches
Picnics and PianosRadio: Picnics and Pianos
Pièce féeriqueRadio: Pièce féerique
Pierre's DogRadio: Pierre's Dog
Placard organiséRadio: Placard organisé
Plain FamilyRadio: Plain Family
Poésie bordelaiseRadio: Poésie bordelaise
Politiques économiquesRadio: Politiques économiques
Porc épicéRadio: Porc épicé
Portefeuille intelligentRadio: Portefeuille intelligent
Poulet aux épicesRadio: Poulet aux épices
Présence parfaiteRadio: Présence parfaite
Prévision sismiqueRadio: Prévision sismique
Produits locauxRadio: Produits locaux
Professeur humoristeRadio: Professeur humoriste
Projet abandonnéRadio: Projet abandonné
Projet scolaireRadio: Projet scolaire
Quartier transforméRadio: Quartier transformé
Raport spécialRadio: Raport spécial
Rats échappésRadio: Rats échappés
Recette rapideRadio: Recette rapide
Réchauffement islandaisRadio: Réchauffement islandais
Récolte des olivesRadio: Récolte des olives
Redoubler l'annéeRadio: Redoubler l'année
Réfrigérateur ouvertRadio: Réfrigérateur ouvert
Règles routièresRadio: Règles routières
Retrait facileRadio: Retrait facile
Robot rieurRadio: Robot rieur
Sac intelligentRadio: Sac intelligent
Salade périméeRadio: Salade périmée
Sculpture gagnanteRadio: Sculpture gagnante
Seaux renversésRadio: Seaux renversés
Sécurité socialeRadio: Sécurité sociale
Séjour linguistiqueRadio: Séjour linguistique
Semaine déconnectéeRadio: Semaine déconnectée
Serpent effrayantRadio: Serpent effrayant
Sightseeing in ParisRadio: Sightseeing in Paris
Singing BirdsRadio: Singing Birds
Single RoomRadio: Single Room
Site administratifRadio: Site administratif
Ski en SuisseRadio: Ski en Suisse
Sleepless NightsRadio: Sleepless Nights
Soirées en boîteRadio: Soirées en boîte
Solo DivingRadio: Solo Diving
Soupe aux champignonsRadio: Soupe aux champignons
Soupe extérieureRadio: Soupe extérieure
Sourire contagieuxRadio: Sourire contagieux
Souvenirs scolairesRadio: Souvenirs scolaires
Spectacles de danseRadio: Spectacles de danse
Spontaneous ClipRadio: Spontaneous Clip
Sports préférésRadio: Sports préférés
Stades historiquesRadio: Stades historiques
Station ensoleilléeRadio: Station ensoleillée
Stylo intelligentRadio: Stylo intelligent
Super Active LifeRadio: Super Active Life
Surf en AustralieRadio: Surf en Australie
Tapis d'entréeRadio: Tapis d'entrée
Tarifs réduitsRadio: Tarifs réduits
Tatouage drôleRadio: Tatouage drôle
The Least Interesting DayRadio: The Least Interesting Day
Tiroirs organisésRadio: Tiroirs organisés
Tortues brésiliennesRadio: Tortues brésiliennes
Toruistes étrangersRadio: Toruistes étrangers
Tournage italienRadio: Tournage italien
Travail parfuméRadio: Travail parfumé
Travel PlansRadio: Travel Plans
Traveling DoctorRadio: Traveling Doctor
Trip to ChinaRadio: Trip to China
Urgences rapidesRadio: Urgences rapides
Vallée glacéeRadio: Vallée glacée
Vêtements changeantsRadio: Vêtements changeants
Vidéos de modeRadio: Vidéos de mode
Vidéos d'entretienRadio: Vidéos d'entretien
Vieux manuelRadio: Vieux manuel
Ville déroutanteRadio: Ville déroutante
Vitre casséeRadio: Vitre cassée
Voiture rayéeRadio: Voiture rayée
Voyage enrichissantRadio: Voyage enrichissant
Voyages en TGVRadio: Voyages en TGV
Weird Opening HoursRadio: Weird Opening Hours
Where Is My Watch?Radio: Where Is My Watch?
A Computer for LilyAdventure: A Computer for Lily
A Dinner PartyAdventure: A Dinner Party
Art gallery AccidentAdventure: Art gallery Accident
Clean-Up CrewAdventure: Clean-Up Crew
Eddy Saves the GameAdventure: Eddy Saves the Game
Eddy's Missing SnacksAdventure: Eddy's Missing Snacks
Eddy's New OutfitAdventure: Eddy's New Outfit
Finding the ProfessorAdventure: Finding the Professor
I Need a Ticket!Adventure: I Need a Ticket!
I'm Hungry!Adventure: I'm Hungry!
Junior Checks OutAdventure: Junior Checks Out
Junior Orders CakeAdventure: Junior Orders Cake
Junior's MorningAdventure: Junior's Morning
Let's Fly!Adventure: Let's Fly!
Lily's Breakfast ListAdventure: Lily's Breakfast List
Lily's PizzaAdventure: Lily's Pizza
Lily's PupAdventure: Lily's Pup
Lost touristsAdventure: Lost tourists
Lucy's Cafe CleanupAdventure: Lucy's Cafe Cleanup
Lucy's GiftAdventure: Lucy's Gift
Lucy's Lost LuggageAdventure: Lucy's Lost Luggage
Lucy's MealAdventure: Lucy's Meal
Nice to Meet youAdventure: Nice to Meet you
Oscar finds a passportAdventure: Oscar finds a passport
Oscar on the GoAdventure: Oscar on the Go
Oscar's HeadacheAdventure: Oscar's Headache
That's Romantic!Adventure: That's Romantic!
The Baby BirdAdventure: The Baby Bird
The BabysitterAdventure: The Babysitter
The Bear Book HuntAdventure: The Bear Book Hunt
The Birthday CakeAdventure: The Birthday Cake
The Birthday GiftAdventure: The Birthday Gift
The Frog ChaseAdventure: The Frog Chase
The Lost BriefcaseAdventure: The Lost Briefcase
The Lost PhoneAdventure: The Lost Phone
The Lost TextbookAdventure: The Lost Textbook
The Lost WaiterAdventure: The Lost Waiter
The Mysterious DiaryAdventure: The Mysterious Diary
The Quest for CroissantsAdventure: The Quest for Croissants
The Quest for KaraokeAdventure: The Quest for Karaoke
To the Park!Adventure: To the Park!
To the Zoo!Adventure: To the Zoo!
What Should I Wear?Adventure: What Should I Wear?
Where Are My Cats?Adventure: Where Are My Cats?
Where's Dad?Adventure: Where's Dad?
Where's Junior?Adventure: Where's Junior?
Where's the Gym?Adventure: Where's the Gym?
Zari Finds a JacketAdventure: Zari Finds a Jacket
Zari's Rainy DayAdventure: Zari's Rainy Day
Zari's Shopping SpreeAdventure: Zari's Shopping Spree

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-10-09