Duolingo Data:
Irish from English 66 Units, 66 Different Lessons:

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TeachingObjective DebugName
Place order at cafeCafé
Say what languages are spokenLanguages
Order food and drinkSnack Bar
Discuss the weatherWeather
Ask about places around townTown
Talk about where you're fromAbout Me
Refer to familyFamily
Discuss professions and traitsWork
Discuss sportsSport
Talk about places in irelandIreland
Use basic phrasesBasics 1
Say what people doBasics 2
Use common phrasesPhrases
Talk about foodFood
Describe animalsAnimals
Form the pluralPlurals
Talk about clothingClothing
Discuss activitiesV: Pres. 1
Describe colorsColors
Ask questionsQuestions
State wants and needsPrep. 1
Talk about irelandIreland 2
Say when things happenDates/Time
Talk about family membersFamily 1
Talk about jobsOccuptns.
Describe othersAdj.
Discuss habitsV: Pres. 2
Use prepositionsPrep. 2
Using the genitive caseGenitive
Use adverbsAdverbs
Refer to placesPlaces
Mention people using objectsObjects
Say where they movePrep. 3
Talk about peoplePeople
Discuss languageLanguage
Say how people travelTravel
Count thingsNumbers
Express feelingsFeel&Trait
Talk about activitiesV: Pres. 3
Discuss schoolEducation
Form the past tenseV: Past. 1
Refer to sizesMeasure.
Talk about places around the worldThe World
Describe appearancesCharacter.
Say what people didV: Past. 2
Talk about abstract conceptsAbs. Obj.1
Discuss the weatherWeather 1
Refer to technologyCom./Tech.
Name things in natureNature
Use adjectivesAdj. 2
Refer to othersV. Noun
Describe irish cultureIreland 3
Talk about ideasAbs. Obj.2
Understand directionsDirections
Talk about sportsSport 1
Talk about the artsArts
Discuss health issuesMedical
Form the future tenseV: Fut. 1
Discuss politicsPolitics
Say what you will doV: Fut. 2
Talk about scienceScience
Give commandsImperative
Describe former habitsV: Imperf.
Talk about religionSpiritual
Say what you would doV: Cond.
Discuss businessBusiness

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-05-28