Duolingo Data:
Hebrew from English 84 units (2024-May-10):
409 levels ㅤ 1614 lessons ㅤ NO Stories
wordsLearned=4109 ㅤ 84 Different Lessons

Section 1 (16 units):
Section 2 (40 units):
Section 3 (28 units):

Section 1 (16 units):
1. Learn the alphabet
2. Learn the alphabet
3. Learn the alphabet
4. Greet people
5. Describe people
6. Form basic sentences
7. Use adjectives
8. Talk about food
9. Describe animals
10. Form the plural
11. Form the possessive
12. Describe locations
13. Use object pronouns
14. Order at a restaurant
15. Discuss clothes
16. Form verbs in the present

Section 2 (40 units):
1. Discuss colors
2. Express actions with objects
3. Describe amounts
4. Ask questions
5. Talk about daily life
6. Discuss work
7. Form complex sentences
8. Refer to locations
9. Use the possessive
10. Form advanced verbs
11. Talk about time
12. Describe people and things
13. Use adverbs
14. Describe your family
15. Talk about your home
16. Use compound nouns
17. Form infinitives
18. Discuss the weather
19. Describe places
20. Use Hif'il verbs in the present
21. Describe relationships
22. Form bigger numbers
23. Expresss what could be
24. Talk about school
25. Discuss travel
26. Use verbs in the past
27. Make comparisons
28. Refer to objects
29. Use complex verbs
30. Describe attributes
31. Form abstract concepts
32. Use commands
33. Talk about languages
34. Describe emergencies
35. Use the future tense
36. Form passive phrases
37. Refer to yourself
38. Form passive sentences
39. Describe nature
40. Express your opinion

Section 3 (28 units):
1. Use commands
2. Use the past tense
3. Form the past passive
4. Express your emotions
5. Describe shapes
6. Discuss abstract concepts
7. Use the infinitive
8. Refer to the news
9. Say what could have been
10. Describe body parts
11. Use the future tense
12. Talk about religion
13. Comment on art
14. Use negative commands
15. Discuss technology
16. Use verbal nouns
17. Discuss scientific issues
18. Talk about music
19. Discuss sport
20. Argue about politics
21. Make poetic descriptions
22. Tell fairy tales
23. Form the future passive
24. Use formal language
25. Talk business
26. Describe outer space
27. Talk about festivals
28. Describe Israel

ㅤㅤ Trophy

[OPTIONAL] Personalized Practice (12 units)
Duolingo offers this section in some accounts

Daily Refresh (1 unit)

Each lesson or 🏆 has challenges, to get the Legendary trophy

Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each 🏆 has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-May-28.