Duolingo Data:
Indonesian from English 69 Units Different Lessons:

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TeachingObjective DebugName
Use basic phrasesBasics 1
Introduce yourselfIntro
Use common phrasesBasics 2
Greet peopleGreetings
Order food and drinkRestaurant
Describe placesPlaces 1
Express actionsBase Verbs
Express ownershipPossessive
Discuss clothingClothing
Use conjunctionsConj 1
Form pluralsPlurals
Use ber- verbsBer- Verbs
Ask questionsQuestions
Name colorsColors
Form me- verbsMe- 1
Use adjectivesAdj 1
Count thingsNumbers
Form me- verbsMe- 2
Use adjectivesAdj 2
Refer to family membersFamily
Talk about your kitchenKitn
Form complex sentencesConj 2
Discuss professionsJobs
Talk about days and timesTime
Form adverbsAdverbs 1
Use -di verbsDi-
Talk about your bodyBody
Form -an nouns-an
Offer directionsDirection
Use commandsCommand
Describe your homeHouse
Name animalsAnimals
Express dates and timesDates 2
Form adverbsAdverbs 2
Create pe-an nounsPe-an
Express your emotionsFeelings
Form particlesParticles
Create ter- verbsTer-
Discuss educationEducation
Use me-kan verbsMe-kan 1
Make comparisonsSprlative
Form me-kan verbsMe-kan 2
Talk about travelTravel
Describe measurementsMeasure
Form di-kan verbsDi-kan
Express feelingsFeelings 2
Discuss healthMedical
Talk about natureNature
Communicate with othersComm
Form me-i verbsMe-i
Use prepositionsPreps 2
Describe materialsMaterials
Name common objectsObjects
Talk about scienceScience
Form di-i verbsDi-i
Talk about art and musicArt
Discuss spiritualitySpiritual
Use memper- verbsMemper-
Talk about businessBusiness
Count with classifiersCounters
Form diper- verbsDiper-
Talk about sportsSports
Discuss politicsPolitics
Share your locationPlaces 2
Create ke-an nounsKe-an
Form repeating verbsRdpl verbs
Describe your communityPeople
Use pe- nounsPe-
Name countriesCountries

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-05-28