Order in a cafe | Cafe |
Introduce yourself | Basics |
Talk about family | Family |
Navigate a city | City |
Good Morning! | Good Morning |
The Date | A Date |
One Thing | One Thing |
Use adjectives | People |
A Very Big Family | Big Family |
The Red Jacket | The Red Jacket |
The Passport | The Passport |
Order in a restaurant | Restaurant |
The Honeymoon | The Honeymoon |
Doctor Eddy | Doctor Eddy |
A new coat | A New Jacket |
Buy things in a store | Store |
The new student | The New Student |
Junior Needs Something | Junior's Question |
To the Station | To the Station! |
Use regular verbs | Small Talk |
The Vegetarian | The Vegetarian |
More Space | More Space |
Vacation Clothes | Vacation Clothes |
Say what you like | Plans |
The Reservation | The Reservation |
The Dog | I Want a Dog |
Do You Need Help? | What Do You Want? |
Ask for help | I'm Lost! |
A Coffee, Please! | Coffee, Please! |
Lily’s Clothes | Lily's Clothes |
At the Supermarket | At the Supermarket |
Shop for clothes | Clothes |
I Have to Buy a Video Game | Can I Have It? |
Use possessives | Roommates |
Where's Your Girlfriend? | Find My Girlfriend |
Talk about jobs | New Friend |
Use the plural | Neighbors |
The Basketball Player | The Basketball Player |
A Ticket to London | Two Tickets Please! |
Talk about travel | SwissTrip |
Talk about belongings | Gifts |
Thank You? | Thanks? |
The Dance Lesson | The Dance Class |
Shop online | Shopping |
Make excuses | Excuses |
Where's Maria? | You're Not Mary |
Lucy's Famous Recipe | Lucy's Famous Recipe |
Use the present tense | Visiting |
Talk about holidays | Holidays |
Junior Works Out | Junior's Exercise |
The Garden | The Garden |
Use regular verbs | Milan |
Describe a scary hotel | Mystery |
The Perfect Person | The Perfect Person |
Can I Help You? | Need Help? |
Talk about weather | Weather |
Speak formally | New Job |
Junior’s Choice | Junior's Choice |
I Want a Dog | I Really Want a Dog |
Talk about a wedding | Wedding |
Discuss college life | University |
The Model | The Model |
The Portrait | Bad Painting |
Order at a pizzeria | Pizzeria |
Discuss paperwork | Moving In |
Take My Photo | Take My Photo |
A New Sport | A New Sport |
Talk about dating | Gossip |
Discuss art | Arts |
Lucy and the Dinosaurs | Lucy and the Dinosaurs |
Where Are My Keys? | Where Are My Keys? |
A Very Dirty Apartment | Dirty Apartment |
Use plural verbs | Customs |
Plan a trip | Euro Trip |
The Monkeys | The Monkeys |
It’s Not Art | Good Art |
Organize an event | Fundraiser |
Follow a recipe | Cooking |
The Waiter Is Right | The Waiter Is Right |
I’m Sick | I Feel Sick |
I Want a Pizza | I Want a Pizza |
Shop for souvenirs | Souvenirs |
Give directions | Directions |
The Diary | The Diary |
Oscar’s Flowers | Oscar's Flowers |
Talk about relatives | Heritage |
Always Late | Always Late |
The Day Off | Day Off |
Talk about your habits | Routine |
Talk about morning routines | Babysitter |
Order at an ice cream parlor | Gelateria |
Shop at a mall | Mall |
Junior’s Birthday | Birthday Plan |
Talk about household chores | Chores |
Describe people and pets | Detective |
What's Your Name? | What's Your Name? |
Attend a high school reunion | Reunion |
Talk about classes | Class |
Visit a zoo | Zoo |
Discuss office life | Office |
An Interesting Conversation | An Interesting Conversation |
Use object pronouns | Admirer |
Talk about going on a date | Dates |
It’s Not For Kids | Not for Kids |
Describe a concert | Concert |
Talk about a business trip | Traveling |
Compare people and things | Siblings |
Talk about a past trip | Capri |
Too Dangerous | Too Dangerous |
Use the passato prossimo | Bragging |
Tell spooky stories | Ghost |
Lily Draws in the Park | Drawing in the Park |
Talk about your favorite singers | Fan Club |
Discuss learning a new skill | Resolution |
Discuss going on dates | Crush |
Use the future of andare | Plus One |
The Art Homework | The Art Homework |
Discuss hand-me-downs | Giveaway |
Discuss medical issues | Doctor |
Pizza | Pizza Night |
Use the present progressive | Invitation |
Use basic phrases | Basics 1 |
Describe basic actions | Basics 2 |
Talk about food | Food |
An Important Game | The Big Game |
Form the plurals | Plurals |
Talk about animals | Animals |
Breakfast | Making Breakfast |
Talk about food and drink | Food 2 |
Describe possessions | Possession |
Discuss clothing | Clothing |
Talk about the present | Present 1 |
My First Painting | Look at My Painting |
Describe colors | Colors |
Talk about places | Prep. |
In The Taxi | Taxi Ride |
Form complex sentences | Conjunct. |
Express dates and times | Time |
Describe your family | Family 2 |
Talk about occupations | Occupation |
It’s An Emergency | An Emergency |
Describe your home | Household |
Describe people and things | Adject. 1 |
The Love Letter | Love Letter |
Talk about habits | Present 2 |
Use adverbs | Adverbs |
Vikram’s Plants | Vikram's Plants |
Describe places | Places |
Identify common objects | Objects |
Describe people | People 2 |
Use pronouns | Clitics-1 |
The Cake | The Cake |
Use numbers | Numbers |
Describe what's around you | Determin. |
The Promotion | The Promotion |
Talk about the present | Present 3 |
Use the present perfect | Pres. Per. |
Describe people | Adject. 2 |
Use the infinitive | Infinit. 1 |
The Ex-Girlfriend | The Ex-Girlfriend |
Use pronoums | Pronouns |
Tell others what to do | Imperative |
The Song | The Song |
Discuss student life | Education |
Talk about travel | Travel 2 |
Send an Email | Send an Email |
Give directions | Directions 1 |
Describe your childhood | Past Imp. |
Express feelings | Feelings |
Discuss abstract concepts | Abs. Ob. 1 |
A Very Good Professor | A Great Teacher |
Talk about sports | Sports |
Talk about the distant past | Past Per. |
A Problem With The Car | Car Problem |
Describe things | Adject. 3 |
Use adverbs | Adverbs 2 |
Discuss abstract concepts | Abs. Ob. 2 |
Use the infinitive | Infinit. 2 |
I Hate to Fish | The Fishing Trip |
Talk about your health | Medical |
Talk about the future | Future |
Ulisse’s Funeral | Fish Funeral |
Use gerunds | Gerund |
Discuss art | Arts 1 |
Free Pizza | Free Pizza |
Talk about the future | Fut. Per. |
Discuss abstract concepts | Abs. Ob. 3 |
Use the subjunctive | Subj. Pres |
Discuss science | Science |
A Strange Ending | Surprise Ending |
Use the conditional | V. Cond. |
Use conditionals | Cond. Per. |
My Favorite Band | My Favorite Band |
Discuss communication | Communic. |
Talk about nature | Nature |
Use the past subjunctive | Subj. Per. |
Discuss business | Business |
That Seat is for You | The Last Seat |
Use the past subjunctive | Subj. Imp. |
Talk about the past | Past |
Recycling is Important | Recycling Is Important |
Discuss spirituality | Spiritual |
Talk about politics | Politics |
Why Did She Leave Me? | Eddy's Breakup |
Coffe With No Sugar | Radio: Coffe With No Sugar |
Unexpected Origins | Radio: Unexpected Origins |
Nationalities and More | Radio: Nationalities and More |
Local Directions | Radio: Local Directions |
American Connections | Radio: American Connections |
Ordering Dinner | Radio: Ordering Dinner |
Small Black Backpack | Radio: Small Black Backpack |
Language Exchange | Radio: Language Exchange |
Swimming Invitation | Radio: Swimming Invitation |
Searching Directions | Radio: Searching Directions |
Shopping Secrets | Radio: Shopping Secrets |
Cozy Apartment | Radio: Cozy Apartment |
Interesting Careers | Radio: Interesting Careers |
Chiara's Home | Radio: Chiara's Home |
Budget Travel | Radio: Budget Travel |
Old Red Bicycle | Radio: Old Red Bicycle |
Black Purse | Radio: Black Purse |
Morning Cravings | Radio: Morning Cravings |
Kitchen Negotiations | Radio: Kitchen Negotiations |
Italian Holidays | Radio: Italian Holidays |
Milan Landmarks | Radio: Milan Landmarks |
Haunted Hotel | Radio: Haunted Hotel |
Ssasonal Activities | Radio: Ssasonal Activities |
Job Interview | Radio: Job Interview |
Elegant Ring | Radio: Elegant Ring |
Math Enthusiast | Radio: Math Enthusiast |
No Tomato | Radio: No Tomato |
Bank Visit | Radio: Bank Visit |
Nature and Animals | Radio: Nature and Animals |
Italian Art Excursions | Radio: Italian Art Excursions |
European Travels | Radio: European Travels |
Ettore's Glass | Radio: Ettore's Glass |
Plain Coffee | Radio: Plain Coffee |
Francesco's Pen | Radio: Francesco's Pen |
Finding the Museum | Radio: Finding the Museum |
Family Roots | Radio: Family Roots |
Daily Routines | Radio: Daily Routines |
Morning Routines | Radio: Morning Routines |
Lemonade with Ice | Radio: Lemonade with Ice |
Pink Scarf | Radio: Pink Scarf |
Family Cooking | Radio: Family Cooking |
Searching Silhouettes | Radio: Searching Silhouettes |
Family Gatherings | Radio: Family Gatherings |
Learning Italian | Radio: Learning Italian |
Zoo Adventures | Radio: Zoo Adventures |
Lunch Break | Radio: Lunch Break |
Romantic Necklace | Radio: Romantic Necklace |
Sunny Day Plans | Radio: Sunny Day Plans |
Concert Excitement | Radio: Concert Excitement |
Business Trip | Radio: Business Trip |
Sibling Rivalry | Radio: Sibling Rivalry |
Capri Nights | Radio: Capri Nights |
Celebrity Encounters | Radio: Celebrity Encounters |
Swiss Villa Mystery | Radio: Swiss Villa Mystery |
Japanese Music Fans | Radio: Japanese Music Fans |
Guitar Lessons | Radio: Guitar Lessons |
Sushi Preference | Radio: Sushi Preference |
Dauly Errands | Radio: Dauly Errands |
Black Jacket | Radio: Black Jacket |
Urgent Help | Radio: Urgent Help |
Missed Lunch | Radio: Missed Lunch |
Here Is Your Menu! | Adventure: Here Is Your Menu! |
Can I Take Your Order? | Adventure: Can I Take Your Order? |
Nice to meet You | Adventure: Nice to meet You |
The Babysitter | Adventure: The Babysitter |
Lily's Ticket | Adventure: Lily's Ticket |
Where's Junior? | Adventure: Where's Junior? |
Zari's New Classmate | Adventure: Zari's New Classmate |
Eddy Finds a Passport | Adventure: Eddy Finds a Passport |
Lily's Pup | Adventure: Lily's Pup |
To the Museum! | Adventure: To the Museum! |
Zari's Shopping Spree | Adventure: Zari's Shopping Spree |
The Mysterious Diary | Adventure: The Mysterious Diary |
The Lost Phone | Adventure: The Lost Phone |
Lucy's Cake Hunt | Adventure: Lucy's Cake Hunt |
Oscar on the Go | Adventure: Oscar on the Go |
Finding the Professor | Adventure: Finding the Professor |
A Cold Day | Adventure: A Cold Day |
Lucy's Busy Work Day | Adventure: Lucy's Busy Work Day |
A Computer for Lily | Adventure: A Computer for Lily |
Zari's Test | Adventure: Zari's Test |
Junior Orders Cake | Adventure: Junior Orders Cake |
I Need a Ticket! | Adventure: I Need a Ticket! |
Where are the Cats? | Adventure: Where are the Cats? |
Art Gallery Accident | Adventure: Art Gallery Accident |
What Should I Wear? | Adventure: What Should I Wear? |
The Quest for Pizza | Adventure: The Quest for Pizza |
Lucy's Dinner | Adventure: Lucy's Dinner |
A Sandwich for Dad | Adventure: A Sandwich for Dad |
Junior's Gift | Adventure: Junior's Gift |
The Lost Tourists | Adventure: The Lost Tourists |
The Phone Number | Adventure: The Phone Number |
Junior's Morning | Adventure: Junior's Morning |
Lucy's Meal | Adventure: Lucy's Meal |
Lily's Pizza | Adventure: Lily's Pizza |
Clean-Up Crew | Adventure: Clean-Up Crew |
Oscar's Art hunt | Adventure: Oscar's Art hunt |
Dinner for Junior | Adventure: Dinner for Junior |
The Lost Textbook | Adventure: The Lost Textbook |
Lily's Rainy Day | Adventure: Lily's Rainy Day |
The Bear Book Hunt | Adventure: The Bear Book Hunt |
Lily's Notebook | Adventure: Lily's Notebook |
Summer Flowers | Adventure: Summer Flowers |
Zari's Rainy Day | Adventure: Zari's Rainy Day |
Lucy's Lost Luggage | Adventure: Lucy's Lost Luggage |
The Missing Snacks | Adventure: The Missing Snacks |
To the Park | Adventure: To the Park |
The Wrong Drink | Adventure: The Wrong Drink |
Lucy's Cafe Cleanup | Adventure: Lucy's Cafe Cleanup |
Lily's Breakfast List | Adventure: Lily's Breakfast List |
Lily's Clean-Up Day | Adventure: Lily's Clean-Up Day |
Zari Gets Ingredients | Adventure: Zari Gets Ingredients |
Lucy's Gift | Adventure: Lucy's Gift |
Oscar's Headache | Adventure: Oscar's Headache |
To the Zoo! | Adventure: To the Zoo! |