Duolingo Data:
Portuguese from English 60 units Debug names:
1 Basics 1, Basics 1, Basics 2, 📪, Basics 1, Basics 2, Basics 2, 📪, 🏆
2 Phrases, Phrases, Phrases 2, 📪, Phrases, Phrases 2, Phrases 2, 📪, 🏆
3 Food 1, 🛠️, Food 1, 📪, The Passport, Animals, Food 1, Animals, 📪, Doctor Eddy, 🛠️, Animals, 🏆
4 Plurals, 📪, A New Coat, Plurals, Tu/Você, 🛠️, 📪, The New Student, Plurals, Tu/Você, Tu/Você, 📪, Junior's Question, 🏆
5 'A gente', 🛠️, 'A gente', 📪, To the Station!, Adject. 1, 'A gente', Adject. 1, The Vegetarian, 📪, 🛠️, Adject. 1, Vacation Clothes, 🏆
6 Possession, 📪, Possession, The Reservation, Possession, 🛠️, 📪, What Do You Want?, 🏆
7 Prepos. 1, Prepos. 1, Contract., 📪, Prepos. 1, Can I Have It?, 🛠️, Contract., 📪, Contract., 🏆
8 Clothing, Find My Girlfriend, Clothing, 📪, 🛠️, Food 2, Clothing, The Basketball Player, 📪, Food 2, Food 2, 🛠️, 📪, Two Tickets Please!, 🏆
9 Questions, Questions, Colors, 📪, Thanks?, Questions, 🛠️, Colors, 📪, The Dance Class, Colors, 🏆
10 Numbers 1, Numbers 1, 📪, You're Not Mary, 🛠️, Present 1, Numbers 1, 📪, Family Dinner, Present 1, Present 1, 🛠️, 📪, Junior's Exercise, 🏆
11 Prepos. 2, Prepos. 2, Body Parts, 📪, The Garden, Prepos. 2, 🛠️, Body Parts, 📪, The Perfect Person, Body Parts, 🏆
12 Contrac. 2, Contrac. 2, 📪, Need Help?, 🛠️, Family, Contrac. 2, 📪, Junior's Choice, Family, Family, 🛠️, 📪, I Really Want a Dog, 🏆
13 Household, Household, Infinit. 1, 📪, The Model, Household, 🛠️, Infinit. 1, 📪, Bad Painting, Infinit. 1, 🏆
14 Future Phr, Future Phr, 📪, Take My Photo, 🛠️, Objects, Future Phr, 📪, A New Sport, Objects, Objects, 🛠️, 📪, Lucy and the Dinosaurs, 🏆
15 Place Adv., Place Adv., To Be, 📪, Where Are My Keys?, Place Adv., 🛠️, To Be, 📪, Dirty Apartment, To Be, 🏆
16 Contrac. 3, Contrac. 3, 📪, The Monkeys, 🛠️, Demonstra., Contrac. 3, 📪, Good Art, Demonstra., Demonstra., 🛠️, 📪, The Waiter Is Right, 🏆
17 Occupation, Occupation, Contrac. 4, 📪, I Feel Sick, Occupation, 🛠️, Contrac. 4, 📪, I Want a Pizza, Contrac. 4, 🏆
18 Pret. Perf, Pret. Perf, 📪, The Diary, 🛠️, Conjunct., Pret. Perf, 📪, Oscar's Flowers, Conjunct., Conjunct., 🛠️, 📪, Always Late, 🏆
19 Prepos. 3, Prepos. 3, Prepos. 3, 📪, Day Off, 🏆
20 Time, Time, 🛠️, 📪, Measure., Birthday Plan, Time, Measure., 📪, 🛠️, Measure., What's Your Name?, 🏆
21 Imperative, 📪, Imperative, 🛠️, Comparison, An Interesting Conversation, 📪, Imperative, Comparison, 🛠️, 📪, Not for Kids, Comparison, 🏆
22 Adject. 2, Adject. 2, 📪, 🛠️, Too Dangerous, Abs. Ob. 1, Adject. 2, 📪, Abs. Ob. 1, 🛠️, Drawing in the Park, Abs. Ob. 1, 📪, 🏆
23 Adverbs, Adverbs, 🛠️, The Art Homework, 📪, Present 2, Adverbs, Present 2, 📪, Pizza Night, 🛠️, Present 2, 🏆
24 Continuous, 📪, Continuous, The Big Game, 🛠️, Places, 📪, Continuous, Places, Making Breakfast, 🛠️, 📪, Places, 🏆
25 Past Imp., Past Imp., Look At My Painting, 📪, 🛠️, People, Past Imp., 📪, Taxi Ride, People, 🛠️, People, 📪, 🏆
26 Clitics, An Emergency, Clitics, 🛠️, 📪, Numbers 2, Love Letter, Clitics, Numbers 2, 📪, 🛠️, Vikram's Plants, Numbers 2, 🏆
27 Sizes, 📪, Sizes, The Cake, 🛠️, Infinit. 2, 📪, Sizes, The Promotion, Infinit. 2, 🛠️, 📪, Infinit. 2, The Ex-Girlfriend, 🏆
28 Determin., Determin., 📪, 🛠️, The Song, Participle, Determin., 📪, Participle, Send an Email, 🛠️, Participle, 📪, 🏆
29 Prepos. 4, A Great Teacher, Prepos. 4, 🛠️, 📪, Pronouns, Car Problem, Prepos. 4, Pronouns, 📪, 🛠️, The Fishing Trip, Pronouns, 🏆
30 Present 3, 📪, Present 3, Fish Funeral, 🛠️, Adject. 3, 📪, Present 3, Free Pizza, Adject. 3, 🛠️, 📪, Adject. 3, Surprise Ending, 🏆
31 P. Perf 2, P. Perf 2, 📪, 🛠️, My Favorite Band, P. Perf. C, P. Perf 2, 📪, P. Perf. C, The Last Seat, 🛠️, P. Perf. C, 📪, 🏆
32 Countries, Recycling Is Important, Countries, 🛠️, 📪, Countries, Eddy's Breakup, 🏆
33 Education, Education, 📪, 🛠️, Imperat. 2, Education, Thanks, Mom, 📪, Imperat. 2, 🛠️, Imperat. 2, 📪, 🏆
34 Pluperfect, You Can Talk?, Pluperfect, 🛠️, 📪, Travel, Pluperfect, Travel, Camping!, 📪, 🛠️, Travel, 🏆
35 Directions, 📪, Directions, Weekend Visit, 🛠️, Feelings, 📪, Directions, Feelings, 🛠️, The Horror Movie, 📪, Feelings, 🏆
36 Future, Future, 📪, 🛠️, Getting Older, Sports, Future, 📪, Sports, 🛠️, Sports, New Year, New Bea, 📪, 🏆
37 Abs. Ob. 2, Abs. Ob. 2, 🛠️, 📪, Fut. Subj., Going to Rome, Abs. Ob. 2, Fut. Subj., 📪, 🛠️, Fut. Subj., 🏆
38 Infinit. 3, Second Date, 📪, Infinit. 3, 🛠️, Abs. Ob. 3, 📪, Infinit. 3, Can I Take a Picture?, Abs. Ob. 3, 🛠️, 📪, Abs. Ob. 3, 🏆
39 Fut. Per., The Letter, Fut. Per., 📪, 🛠️, Medical, Fut. Per., Too Fast, 📪, Medical, 🛠️, Medical, 📪, Gray Hair, 🏆
40 Subj. Pres, Subj. Pres, 🛠️, 📪, Arts, Dress Shopping, Subj. Pres, Arts, 📪, 🛠️, Arts, Falling Elevator, 🏆
41 Continuo 2, 📪, Continuo 2, 🛠️, Abs. Ob. 4, A Wedding Story, 📪, Continuo 2, Abs. Ob. 4, 🛠️, 📪, The Manager's Office, Abs. Ob. 4, 🏆
42 V. Cond., V. Cond., 📪, 🛠️, Grandmother's Recipe, Cond. Per., V. Cond., 📪, Cond. Per., 🛠️, A Love Story, Cond. Per., 📪, 🏆
43 Science, Science, 🛠️, Horoscopes Aren't Real, 📪, V. Modal, Science, V. Modal, 📪, The Sandwich Thief, 🛠️, V. Modal, 🏆
44 Subj. Past, 📪, Subj. Past, The Breakup, 🛠️, Nature, 📪, Subj. Past, Nature, Pasta Problem, 🛠️, 📪, Nature, 🏆
45 Communic., Communic., This Tastes Strange, 📪, 🛠️, Past Imp 2, Communic., 📪, The Dragon Cake, Past Imp 2, 🛠️, Past Imp 2, 📪, 🏆
46 Subj. Plu., Is This Love?, Subj. Plu., 🛠️, 📪, Business, Subj. Plu., The Boxing Match, Business, 📪, 🛠️, Business, 🏆
47 Spiritual, Flat Tire, 📪, Spiritual, 🛠️, Politics, 📪, What a Great Tent!, Spiritual, Politics, 🛠️, 📪, Politics, The Movie Premiere, 🏆
48 to 60 Path Extension Practices
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