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Portuguese from English 91 Units Different Lessons:

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Teaching Objective DebugName
Use basic phrasesBasics 1
Describe what's around youBasics 2
Use polite phrasesPhrases
Greet peoplePhrases 2
Describe your foodFood 1
The PassportThe Passport
Talk about animalsAnimals
Doctor EddyDoctor Eddy
Form the pluralPlurals
A New CoatA New Coat
Use tuTu/Você
The New StudentThe New Student
I Need MoneyJunior's Question
Use a gente'A gente'
To the StationTo the Station!
Describe thingsAdject. 1
The VegetarianThe Vegetarian
Express possessionPossession
Clothes for My VacationVacation Clothes
The ReservationThe Reservation
What Do You Want?What Do You Want?
Use prepositionsPrepos. 1
Use simple contractionsContract.
I Need a GameCan I Have It?
Describe clothingClothing
Where Is Your Girlfriend?Find My Girlfriend
Order foodFood 2
The Basketball PlayerThe Basketball Player
A Ticket to China!Two Tickets Please!
Form basic questionsQuestions
Describe colorsColors
The Basketball PlayerThe Basketball Player
Count up to twentyNumbers 1
You're Not MaryYou're Not Mary
Form the present tensePresent 1
Family DinnerFamily Dinner
Júnior's ExerciseJúnior's Exercise
Use verbs with prepositionsPrepos. 2
Talk about body partsBody Parts
The GardenThe Garden
The Perfect PersonThe Perfect Person
Use more prepositionsContrac. 2
Do You Need Help?Need Help?
Talk about your familyFamily
Júnior's ChoiceJunior's Choice
I Want a DogI Really Want a Dog
Describe your homeHousehold
Use common verbsInfinit. 1
The ModelThe Model
The PaintingBad Painting
Say what you will doFuture Phr
Can You Take a Photo?Take My Photo
Name common objectsObjects
A New SportA New Sport
Lucy and the DinosaursLucy and the Dinosaurs
Mention where something isPlace Adv.
Describe people and thingsTo Be
Where Is My Key?Where Are My Keys?
The Dirty ApartmentDirty Apartment
Ask where people are goingContrac. 3
The MonkeysThe Monkeys
Talk about things around youDemonstra.
That Is Not ArtGood Art
The Waiter Is RightThe Waiter Is Right
Talk about your jobOccupation
Express opinionsContrac. 4
I Am SickI Feel Sick
I Want a PizzaI Want a Pizza
Say what you didPret. Perf
The DiaryThe Diary
Combine two sentencesConjunct.
Óscar's FlowersOscar's Flowers
Always LateAlways Late
Use time prepositionsPrepos. 3
I Don't Work TodayDay Off
Mention datesTime
Communicate quantitiesMeasure.
Júnior's BirthdayBirthday Plan
What Is Your Name?What's Your Name?
Give ordersImperative
Make comparisonsComparison
An Interesting ConversationAn Interesting Conversation
Not for KidsNot for Kids
Describe peopleAdject. 2
Very DangerousToo Dangerous
Talk about abstract thingsAbs. Ob. 1
Drawing in the ParkDrawing in the Park
Form adverbsAdverbs
The HomeworkThe Art Homework
Talk about the presentPresent 2
Pizza NightPizza Night
Form the present continuousContinuous
An Important GameThe Big Game
Describe where you arePlaces
Júnior's BreakfastMaking Breakfast
Say what you were doingPast Imp.
My First PaintingLook at My Painting
Talk about peoplePeople
The TaxiTaxi Ride
Talk about memoriesClitics
An EmergencyAn Emergency
Count up to a millionNumbers 2
Love LetterLove Letter
Vikram's PlantsVikram's Plants
Describe sizesSizes
The CakeThe Cake
Say what you needInfinit. 2
The PromotionThe Promotion
The Ex-GirlfriendThe Ex-Girlfriend
Express quantityDetermin.
The SongThe Song
Use participlesParticiple
Send an EmailSend an Email
Say who you are withPrepos. 4
An Excellent TeacherA Great Teacher
Describe quantitiesPronouns
A Car ProblemCar Problem
A Fishing TripThe Fishing Trip
Form the present tensePresent 3
Tubarão's FuneralFish Funeral
Use more adjectivesAdject. 3
Free PizzaFree Pizza
A Weird EndingSurprise Ending
Talk about the pastP. Perf 2
My Favorite BandMy Favorite Band
Say what has been happeningP. Perf. C
The Empty SeatThe Last Seat
Describe countriesCountries
Recycling Is ImportantRecycling Is Important
She Broke up with MeEddy's Breakup
Talk about schoolEducation
Tell people what to doImperat. 2
Thanks, MomThanks, Mom
Say what had happenedPluperfect
You Can Talk?You Can Talk?
Describe a tripTravel
Give directionsDirections
Weekend at Bia's HouseWeekend Visit
Express feelingsFeelings
The Horror MovieThe Horror Movie
Talk about the futureFuture
Getting OldGetting Older
Discuss sportsSports
New Year, New BiaNew Year, New Bea
Describe abstract ideasAbs. Ob. 2
Mention optionsFut. Subj.
I'm Going to RomeGoing to Rome
Use infinitivesInfinit. 3
Second DateSecond Date
Talk about relationshipsAbs. Ob. 3
Can I Take a Picture?Can I Take a Picture?
Say what you will have doneFut. Per.
The LetterThe Letter
Talk about healthMedical
Run FasterToo Fast
Gray HairGray Hair
Express a wishSubj. Pres
Talk about artsArts
The Pink DressDress Shopping
The ElevatorFalling Elevator
Say what you are doingContinuo 2
Talk about abstract thingsAbs. Ob. 4
A Wedding PartyA Wedding Story
The Manager's OfficeThe Manager's Office
Mention what you would doV. Cond.
My Grandmother's RecipeGrandmother's Recipe
A Love StoryA Love Story
Express regretCond. Per.
Talk about scienceScience
Horoscopes Are Never RightHoroscopes Aren't Real
Use modal verbsV. Modal
They Stole My SandwichThe Sandwich Thief
Mention possibilitiesSubj. Past
Are You Breaking Up with Me?The Breakup
Talk about natureNature
A Problem with My PastaPasta Problem
Discuss communicationCommunic.
A Strange TasteThis Tastes Strange
Describe what was happeningPast Imp 2
The Wedding CakeThe Dragon Cake
Say what hasn't happenedSubj. Plu.
Is It Love?Is This Love?
Discuss businessBusiness
The Boxing MatchThe Boxing Match
Talk about spiritualitySpiritual
The Flat TireFlat Tire
Discuss politicsPolitics
Our New TentWhat a Great Tent!
The PremiereThe Movie Premiere

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-05-28