Duolingo Data:
Portugués desde Español 69 Secciones (10/Mayo/2024):
1638 lecciones ㅤ 111 cuentos
wordsLearned=3903 ㅤ 180 Lecciones distintas
✳️ = Práctica de la unidad, ⚒️ = Práctica personalizada

Etapa 1 (16 Secciones)
Etapa 2 (40 Secciones)
Etapa 3 (13 Secciones)
Refresca tus habilidades

Etapa 1 (16 unidades):
Empieza con frases y conceptos gramaticales simples

1 1 Usa frases básicas 📝
4, 4, 2, 📪, 1
Básico 1, Básico 1, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

1 2 Habla de cosas que haces 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 1
Básico 2, Básico 2, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

1 3 Saluda a la gente 📝
4, 4, 2, 📪, 1
Frases, Frases, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

1 4 Habla de la comida 📝
6, 📖, 6, 2, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1
Comida, Good Morning, Comida, ⚒️, A Date, 📪, ✳️, One Thing, 🏆

1 5 Usa el plural 📝
3, 📖, 3, 📪, 2, 📖, 1, 📖, 1
Plurales, Big Family, Plurales, 📪, ⚒️, The Red Jacket, ✳️, The Passport, 🏆

1 6 Habla de los animales 📝
5, 📖, 📪, 5, 2, 📖, 2, 📖, 📪, 1
Animales, Honeymoon, 📪, Animales, ⚒️, Doctor Eddy, ✳️, A New Coat, 📪, 🏆

1 7 Describe la comida 📝
6, 📖, 6, 2, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1
Comida 2, The New Student, Comida 2, ⚒️, Junior's Question, 📪, ✳️, To the Station!, 🏆

1 8 Usa los posesivos 📝
4, 📖, 4, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 2, 📖, 1
Posesivos, The Vegetarian, Posesivos, Good Morning, 📪, ⚒️, More Space, ✳️, Vacation Clothes, 🏆

1 9 Usa pronombres formales 📝
2, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 2, 📖, 1, 📖, 📪, 1
Tu/Você, The Reservation, 📪, Tu/Você, A Date, ⚒️, I Want a Dog, ✳️, What Do You Want?, 📪, 🏆

1 10 Describe la ropa 📝
5, 📖, 5, 📖, 2, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 1
Ropa, Coffee, Please!, Ropa, One Thing, ⚒️, Lily's Clothes, 📪, ✳️, At the Supermarket, 🏆

1 11 Formula preguntas 📝
2, 📖, 2, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1, 1
Preguntas, Can I Have It?, Preguntas, Big Family, 📪, ⚒️, The Red Jacket, ✳️, 🏆

1 12 Identifica los colores 📝
3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 1, 📪, 1
Colores, Find My Girlfriend, 📪, Colores, The Passport, ⚒️, Honeymoon, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

1 13 Usa el tiempo presente 📝
11, 📖, 11, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 5, 1
Presente 1, The Basketball Player, Presente 1, Doctor Eddy, ⚒️, A New Coat, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

1 14 Habla de actividades 📝
2, 📖, 2, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1, 1
Conjunción, Two Tickets Please!, Conjunción, The New Student, 📪, ⚒️, Junior's Question, ✳️, 🏆

1 15 Usa preposiciones 📝
9, 📖, 📪, 9, 📖, 3, 📖, 4, 📪, 1
Prepos., Thanks?, 📪, Prepos., To the Station!, ⚒️, The Vegetarian, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

1 16 Habla de la fecha 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 5, 1
Fechas, The Dance Class, Fechas, More Space, ⚒️, Vacation Clothes, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

Etapa 2 (40 unidades):
Aprende palabras, frases y conceptos gramaticales para conversar

2 1 Describe a tu familia 📝
4, 📖, 4, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 2, 1
Familia, You're Not Mary, Familia, The Reservation, 📪, ⚒️, I Want a Dog, ✳️, 🏆

2 2 Habla de tamaños 📝
3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 1, 📪, 1
Tamaños, Lucy's Famous Recipe, 📪, Tamaños, What Do You Want?, ⚒️, Coffee, Please!, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 3 Conversa sobre carreras 📝
9, 📖, 9, 📖, 3, 📪, 4, 1
Ocupación, Junior's Exercise, Ocupación, Lily's Clothes, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 4 Describe tu hogar 📝
9, 📖, 9, 📖, 📪, 3, 4, 1
Doméstico, The Garden, Doméstico, At the Supermarket, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆

2 5 Habla de medidas 📝
3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 1, 📪, 1
Medidas, The Perfect Person, 📪, Medidas, Can I Have It?, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 6 Describe personas 📝
11, 📖, 11, 📖, 3, 📪, 5, 1
Adjetivos 1, Need Help?, Adjetivos 1, Find My Girlfriend, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 7 Habla de la vida diaria 📝
11, 📖, 11, 📖, 📪, 3, 5, 1
Presente 2, Junior's Choice, Presente 2, The Basketball Player, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆

2 8 Usa adverbios 📝
11, 📖, 📪, 11, 📖, 3, 5, 📪, 1
Adverbios, I Really Want a Dog, 📪, Adverbios, Two Tickets Please!, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 9 Describe lugares 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 3, 📪, 5, 1
Lugares, The Model, Lugares, Thanks?, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 10 Describe objetos comunes 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 📪, 3, 5, 1
Objetos, Bad Painting, Objetos, The Dance Class, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆

2 11 Describe tu entorno 📝
3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 1, 📪, 1
Ser/Estar, Take My Photo, 📪, Ser/Estar, You're Not Mary, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 12 Describe personas 📝
8, 📖, 8, 📖, 3, 📪, 4, 1
Gente, A New Sport, Gente, Lucy's Famous Recipe, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 13 Usa pronombres 📝
3, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 1, 1
Clíticos, Lucy and the Dinosaurs, Clíticos, Junior's Exercise, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆

2 14 Usa los números 📝
8, 📖, 📪, 8, 📖, 3, 4, 📪, 1
Números, Where Are My Keys?, 📪, Números, The Garden, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 15 Identifica personas 📝
3, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 1, 1
Determin., Dirty Apartment, Determin., The Perfect Person, ⚒️, The Monkeys, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 16 Usa infinitivos 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 5, 1
Infinitivo, Good Art, Infinitivo, Need Help?, 📪, ⚒️, The Waiter Is Right, ✳️, 🏆

2 17 Habla del trabajo 📝
11, 📖, 📪, 11, 📖, 3, 📖, 5, 📪, 1
Presente 3, I Feel Sick, 📪, Presente 3, Junior's Choice, ⚒️, I Want a Pizza, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 18 Narra eventos pasados 📝
11, 📖, 11, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 5, 1
Pasado, The Diary, Pasado, I Really Want a Dog, ⚒️, Oscar's Flowers, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 19 Da instrucciones 📝
3, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1, 1
Imperativo, Always Late, Imperativo, The Model, 📪, ⚒️, Day Off, ✳️, 🏆

2 20 Habla del futuro 📝
10, 📖, 📪, 10, 📖, 3, 📖, 5, 📪, 1
Fut. Inm., Birthday Plan, 📪, Fut. Inm., Bad Painting, ⚒️, Take My Photo, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 21 Usa pronombres 📝
5, 📖, 5, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 2, 1
Pronombres, What's Your Name?, Pronombres, A New Sport, ⚒️, Lucy and the Dinosaurs, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 22 Expresa opiniones 📝
11, 📖, 11, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 5, 1
Adjetivos 2, An Interesting Conversation, Adjetivos 2, Where Are My Keys?, 📪, ⚒️, Not for Kids, ✳️, 🏆

2 23 Habla de países 📝
3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 1, 📪, 1
Países, Too Dangerous, 📪, Países, Dirty Apartment, ⚒️, Drawing in the Park, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 24 Habla de tareas escolares 📝
8, 📖, 8, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 4, 1
Educación, The Art Homework, Educación, The Monkeys, ⚒️, Pizza Night, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 25 Usa el participio 📝
3, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1, 1
Participio, The Big Game, Participio, Good Art, 📪, ⚒️, Making Breakfast, ✳️, 🏆

2 26 Habla de viajes 📝
7, 📖, 📪, 7, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📪, 1
Viajes, Look at My Painting, 📪, Viajes, The Waiter Is Right, ⚒️, Taxi Ride, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 27 Da direcciones 📝
5, 📖, 5, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 2, 1
Direcciones, An Emergency, Direcciones, I Feel Sick, ⚒️, Love Letter, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 28 Expresa sentimientos 📝
8, 📖, 8, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 4, 1
Sentimientos, Vikram's Plants, Sentimientos, I Want a Pizza, 📪, ⚒️, The Cake, ✳️, 🏆

2 29 Describe eventos pasados 📝
7, 📖, 📪, 7, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📪, 1
Pret Perf., The Promotion, 📪, Pret Perf., The Diary, ⚒️, The Ex-Girlfriend, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 30 Opina sobre deportes 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 1
Deportes, The Song, Deportes, Oscar's Flowers, ⚒️, Send an Email, 📪, ✳️, 🏆

2 31 Habla con un colega 📝
11, 📖, 11, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 5, 1
Obj. Abs. 1, A Great Teacher, Obj. Abs. 1, Always Late, 📪, ⚒️, Car Problem, ✳️, 🏆

2 32 Usa el tiempo pasado 📝
7, 📖, 📪, 7, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📪, 1
Pluscuamp., The Fishing Trip, 📪, Pluscuamp., Day Off, ⚒️, Fish Funeral, ✳️, 📪, 🏆

2 33 Habla de cultura 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 5, 📖, 1
Obj. Abs. 2, Free Pizza, Obj. Abs. 2, Birthday Plan, ⚒️, Surprise Ending, 📪, ✳️, What's Your Name?, 🏆

2 34 Habla de tus planes 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 5, 📖, 1
Infinit. 2, My Favorite Band, Infinit. 2, An Interesting Conversation, 📪, ⚒️, The Last Seat, ✳️, Not for Kids, 🏆

2 35 Habla de tu cuerpo 📝
10, 📖, 📪, 10, 📖, 3, 📖, 5, 📖, 📪, 1
Medicina, Recycling Is Important, 📪, Medicina, Too Dangerous, ⚒️, Eddy's Breakup, ✳️, Drawing in the Park, 📪, 🏆

2 36 Habla del futuro 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 5, 📖, 1
Futuro, Thanks, Mom, Futuro, The Art Homework, ⚒️, Pizza Night, 📪, ✳️, The Big Game, 🏆

2 37 Usa el gerundio 📝
10, 📖, 10, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 5, 📖, 1
Gerundio, You Can Talk?, Gerundio, Making Breakfast, 📪, ⚒️, Look at My Painting, ✳️, Taxi Ride, 🏆

2 38 Habla de arte 📝
7, 📖, 📪, 7, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 1
Artes, Camping!, 📪, Artes, An Emergency, ⚒️, Love Letter, ✳️, Vikram's Plants, 📪, 🏆

2 39 Predice el futuro 📝
4, 📖, 4, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 1
Fut. Perf., Weekend Visit, Fut. Perf., The Cake, ⚒️, The Promotion, 📪, ✳️, The Ex-Girlfriend, 🏆

2 40 Comunícate en la oficina 📝
11, 📖, 11, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 5, 📖, 1
Obj. Abs. 3, The Horror Movie, Obj. Abs. 3, The Song, 📪, ⚒️, Send an Email, ✳️, A Great Teacher, 🏆

Etapa 3 (13 secciones):
Aprende conceptos básicos y oraciones para conversar

3 1 Expresa deseos 📝
7, 📖, 📪, 7, 📖, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 1
Subj. Pres, Getting Older, 📪, Subj. Pres, Car Problem, ⚒️, The Fishing Trip, ✳️, Fish Funeral, 📪, 🏆

3 2 Habla de ciencia 📝
7, 📖, 7, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1
Ciencia, New Year, New Bea, Ciencia, Free Pizza, ⚒️, Going to Rome, 📪, ✳️, Surprise Ending, 🏆

3 3 Usa el condicional 📝
9, 📖, 9, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 4, 📖, 1
Condicio., Second Date, Condicio., My Favorite Band, 📪, ⚒️, Can I Take a Picture?, ✳️, The Last Seat, 🏆

3 4 Usa verbos modales 📝
3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 1, 📖, 📪, 1
V. Modales, The Letter, 📪, V. Modales, Recycling Is Important, ⚒️, Too Fast, ✳️, Eddy's Breakup, 📪, 🏆

3 5 Expresa arrepentimiento 📝
5, 📖, 5, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 1
Cnd. Perf., Gray Hair, Cnd. Perf., Thanks, Mom, ⚒️, Dress Shopping, 📪, ✳️, You Can Talk?, 🏆

3 6 Habla de la comunicación 📝
7, 📖, 7, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 3, 📖, 1
Comunica., Falling Elevator, Comunica., Camping!, 📪, ⚒️, A Wedding Story, ✳️, Weekend Visit, 🏆

3 7 Describe la naturaleza 📝
8, 📖, 📪, 8, 📖, 3, 📖, 4, 📖, 📪, 1
Naturaleza, The Manager's Office, 📪, Naturaleza, The Horror Movie, ⚒️, Grandmother's Recipe, ✳️, Getting Older, 📪, 🏆

3 8 Usa el subjuntivo 📝
7, 📖, 7, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 1
Subj. Pas., A Love Story, Subj. Pas., New Year, New Bea, ⚒️, Horoscopes Aren't Real, 📪, ✳️, Going to Rome, 🏆

3 9 Usa el tiempo pasado 📝
8, 📖, 8, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 4, 📖, 1
P. Imperf., The Sandwich Thief, P. Imperf., Second Date, 📪, ⚒️, The Breakup, ✳️, Can I Take a Picture?, 🏆

3 10 Habla de negocios 📝
9, 📖, 📪, 9, 📖, 3, 📖, 4, 📖, 📪, 1
Negocios, Pasta Problem, 📪, Negocios, The Letter, ⚒️, This Tastes Strange, ✳️, Too Fast, 📪, 🏆

3 11 Usa el subjuntivo 📝
5, 📖, 5, 📖, 3, 📖, 📪, 2, 📖, 1
Subj. Plu., The Dragon Cake, Subj. Plu., Gray Hair, ⚒️, Is This Love?, 📪, ✳️, Dress Shopping, 🏆

3 12 Habla de religión 📝
4, 📖, 4, 📖, 📪, 3, 📖, 2, 📖, 1
Espiritual, The Boxing Match, Espiritual, Falling Elevator, 📪, ⚒️, Flat Tire, ✳️, A Wedding Story, 🏆

3 13 Habla de política 📝
10, 📖, 📪, 10, 📖, 3, 📖, 5, 📖, 📪, 1
Política, What a Great Tent!, 📪, Política, The Manager's Office, ⚒️, The Movie Premiere, ✳️, Grandmother's Recipe, 📪, 🏆

ㅤㅤ Trofeo

Refresca tus habilidades (Círculo):
1, 📖, 1, 📖, 1, 🏆

Cada lección o 🏆 tiene desafíos para conseguir el Trofeo Legendario

Cada sección tiene niveles y cofres, y cada nivel tiene lecciones.
Cada lección tiene entre 1 y 18 ejercicios (normalmente 15)
Cada 🏆 tiene entre 1 y 18 ejercicios (normalmente 15)
Cada Desafío tiene entre 1 y 18 ejercicios (normalmente 15)

Editado por Mat!/Ozone, 17 de marzo de 2025