Duolingo Data:
Russian from English 95 Units Different Lessons:

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TeachingObjective DebugName
Make introductionsIntro
Talk about your jobJobs
Discuss food and drinkRestaurant
Form basic sentencesBasics
Greet peoplePhrases
Identify common objectsBasics 2
Form pluralsPlurals
Say where you areWhere
Talk about tripsTravel
Name common animalsAnimals
Thank peoplePhrases 2
Say where you are fromPlaces
Use the genitive caseGenitive
Discuss possessionsWhose
Make requestsObject
Use numbers1 to 4
Describe what you doPresent
Order foodGroceries
Describe activitiesPresent 2
Say what you likeLiking
Talk about foodFood
Describe musicDescribe
Name the colorsColors
Describe where things areThere is
Ask basic questionsQuestions
Discuss things you doPeople
Talk about placesAround
Discuss destinationsPlaces 2
Talk about hobbiesPresent 3
Describe what you didPast
Say how old you areHow Many
Describe your familyFamily
Talk about occupationsPeople 2
Describe the weatherNature
Talk about sportsSport
Name the monthsDates&Time
Describe peopleAdjectives
Describe the pastPast & Inf
Shop for clothesShopping
Use the dative caseDat&Plural
Describe conversationsTold ya
Talk about your roomRoom
Discuss schoolPerfectiv1
Use the instrumental caseInstr.Case
Discuss healthBody
Use the genitive pluralGen.Plural
Describe objectsAdj. 2
Talk about animalsAnimals 2
Discuss mathematics2+3=5
Talk about writingLanguage
Express how you feelShort&Long
Communicate at schoolEducation
Talk about countriesCountries
Describe your homeHouse
Use reflexive verbsReflexive
Discuss your weekTime 2
Tell others what to doImperative
Get around townMotionVerb
Describe citiesCity
Give commandsImpert. 2
Use relative clausesSomething
Discuss technologyTech&Home
Talk about the futureFut/Past P
Discuss career plansInstr. BE
Discuss placing thingsPlacing
Talk about dessertFood 2
Express opinionsSpeak
Wish for thingsSubjunct.
Say what will happenFuture Cmp
Discuss travelPrefixVerb
Describe natureNature2
Talk about the artsArts
Suggest things to doTogether
Use large numbersNumbers 2
Talk about the seasonsAdj. 3
Discuss future plansPlans
Express cause and effectPrep 2
Express similaritySame
Use fleeting vowelsFleeting
Discuss outer spaceSpace
Measure objectsMeasure
Discuss businessBusiness
Use common prefixesPrefixes
Talk about historyHistory
Use participlesParticiple
Discuss the internetGo Digital
Describe things you doAd-Part.
Discuss scienceScience
Talk about politicsPolitics
Discuss religionSpiritual
Talk about chemistryScience 2
Use informal languageColloquial
Discuss abstract ideasNothing
Talk about courtJustice
Discuss russian customsRussia

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-05-28