Duolingo Data:
Swedish from English
85 units (2024-May-10):
1459 lessons ㅤ NO Stories
wordsLearned=2549 ㅤ 85 Different Lessons
✳️ = Unit practice, ⚒️ = Personalized practice
Section 1 (16 Units)
Section 2 (40 Units)
Section 3 (29 Units)
Daily Refresh
Section 1 (16 units):
Start with essential phrases and simple grammar concepts
ㅤ1ㅤ 1 Order food and drink 📝
4, 4, 2, 📪, 🏆
Basics 1, Basics 1, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 2 Describe your family 📝
5, 5, 2, 📪, 🏆
Family 1, Family 1, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 3 Greet people 📝
5, 5, 2, 📪, 🏆
Greetings, Greetings, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 4 Talk about food and drink 📝
5, 5, 2, 📪, 2, 🏆
Food 1, Food 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 5 Describe your job 📝
5, 5, 📪, 2, 2, 🏆
Work 1, Work 1, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 6 Talk about possessions 📝
6, 📪, 6, 2, 3, 📪, 🏆
Home 1, 📪, Home 1, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 7 Discuss hobbies 📝
6, 6, 2, 📪, 3, 🏆
Hobbies 1, Hobbies 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 8 Describe animals 📝
6, 6, 📪, 2, 3, 🏆
Zoo, Zoo, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 9 Form questions 📝
6, 📪, 6, 2, 3, 📪, 🏆
Travel 1, 📪, Travel 1, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 10 Get around town 📝
6, 6, 2, 📪, 3, 🏆
Directions, Directions, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 11 Talk about things you do 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Basics 2, Basics 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 12 Discuss food preferences 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Food 2, 📪, Food 2, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 13 Describe animals 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Animals, Animals, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 14 Use definite nouns 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Definites, Definites, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 15 Form the plural 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Plurals, 📪, Plurals, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 16 Talk about possessions 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Poss., Poss., ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
Section 2 (40):
Learn words, phrases, and grammar concepts for basic interactions
ㅤ2ㅤ 1 / 17 Use pronouns 📝
3, 3, 📪, 3, 📪, 🏆
Obj. Pron., Obj. Pron., 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 2 / 18 Discuss clothing 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Clothing, 📪, Clothing, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 3 / 19 Use the present tense 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Present 1, Present 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 4 / 20 Describe colors 📝
4, 4, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Colors, Colors, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 5 / 21 Ask questions 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Questions, 📪, Questions, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 6 / 22 Use common prepositions 📝
7, 7, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Prep., Prep., ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 7 / 23 Talk about time 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Time 1, Time 1, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 8 / 24 Express dates and times 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Time 2, 📪, Time 2, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 9 / 25 Talk about your family 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Family 2, Family 2, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 10 / 26 Talk about occupations 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Work 2, Work 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 11 / 27 Describe things 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Adject. 1, 📪, Adject. 1, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 12 / 28 Express opinions 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Adject. 2, Adject. 2, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 13 / 29 Use the present tense 📝
7, 7, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Present 2, Present 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 14 / 30 Describe your routine 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Adverbs 1, 📪, Adverbs 1, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 15 / 31 Use adverbs 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Adverbs 2, Adverbs 2, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 16 / 32 Identify common objects 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Objects 1, Objects 1, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 17 / 33 Describe a city 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Places 1, 📪, Places 1, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 18 / 34 Talk about nature 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Places 2, Places 2, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 19 / 35 Describe things around you 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Objects 2, Objects 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 20 / 36 Talk about relationships 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
People, 📪, People, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 21 / 37 Use numbers 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Numbers 1, Numbers 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 22 / 38 Get around town 📝
8, 8, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Travel 2, Travel 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 23 / 39 Describe activities 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Determin., 📪, Determin., ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 24 / 40 Talk about time 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Numbers 2, Numbers 2, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 25 / 41 Describe things you do 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Present 3, Present 3, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 26 / 42 Discuss habits 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Present 4, 📪, Present 4, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 27 / 43 Communicate at school 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Education, Education, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 28 / 44 Use the past tense 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Past 1, Past 1, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 29 / 45 Discuss recent events 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Past 2, 📪, Past 2, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 30 / 46 Talk about hobbies 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Infinit. 1, Infinit. 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 31 / 47 Use the infinitive 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Infinit. 2, Infinit. 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 32 / 48 Discuss destinations 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Geography, 📪, Geography, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 33 / 49 Describe activities 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Past 3, Past 3, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 34 / 50 Comment on foods 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Food 3, Food 3, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 35 / 51 Express feelings 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Feelings, 📪, Feelings, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 36 / 52 Exchange information 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Abstract 1, Abstract 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 37 / 53 Talk about changes 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Adject. 3, Adject. 3, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 38 / 54 Discuss abstract concepts 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Abstract 2, 📪, Abstract 2, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 39 / 55 Use adjectives 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Adject. 4, Adject. 4, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 40 / 56 Discuss recent events 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Perfect 1, Perfect 1, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
Section 3 (29):
Learn more foundational concepts and sentences for basic conversations
ㅤ3ㅤ 1 / 57 Use the past perfect 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Perfect 2, 📪, Perfect 2, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 2 / 58 Talk about animals 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Animals 2, Animals 2, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 3 / 59 Use commands 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Imperative, Imperative, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 4 / 60 Make plans 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Future, 📪, Future, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 5 / 61 Express likes and dislikes 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Infinit. 3, Infinit. 3, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 6 / 62 Discuss the past 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Past Perf., Past Perf., 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 7 / 63 Use the infinitive 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Infinit. 4, 📪, Infinit. 4, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 8 / 64 Comment on the weather 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Nature 1, Nature 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 9 / 65 Talk about nature 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Nature 2, Nature 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 10 / 66 Express opinions 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Adject. 5, 📪, Adject. 5, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 11 / 67 Exchange information 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Adverbs 3, Adverbs 3, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 12 / 68 Discuss work 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Abstract 3, Abstract 3, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 13 / 69 Talk about a problem 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Abstract 4, 📪, Abstract 4, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 14 / 70 Comment on sports 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Sports, Sports, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 15 / 71 Get around town 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Direct. 2, Direct. 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 16 / 72 Discuss health issues 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Medical 1, 📪, Medical 1, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 17 / 73 Talk about art 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 3, 🏆
Arts, Arts, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 18 / 74 Communicate with a doctor 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Medical 2, Medical 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 19 / 75 Discuss politics 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Politics 1, 📪, Politics 1, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 20 / 76 Talk about conflicts 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Politics 2, Politics 2, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 21 / 77 Comment on the news 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Communic., Communic., 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 22 / 78 Discuss others' lives 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Act. Part., 📪, Act. Part., ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 23 / 79 Describe technology 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Science 1, Science 1, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 24 / 80 Discuss science 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 2, 🏆
Science 2, Science 2, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 25 / 81 Use the conditional 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 2, 📪, 🏆
Condit., 📪, Condit., ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 26 / 82 Discuss spirituality 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Spiritual, Spiritual, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 27 / 83 Use the passive form 📝
6, 6, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Passive, Passive, 📪, ⚒️, ✳️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 28 / 84 Discuss business 📝
7, 📪, 7, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Business, 📪, Business, ⚒️, ✳️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 29 / 85 Talk about celebrations 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 2, 🏆
Celebrate, Celebrate, ⚒️, 📪, ✳️, 🏆
Daily Refresh (Circle):
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 🏆
Each lesson or 🏆 has challenges, to get the Legendary trophy
Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each 🏆 has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2025-Mar-27.