Duolingo Data:
Chinese from English
57 units (2023-Sep-09):
NOT CEFR aligned
486 levels ㅤ 1844 lessons ㅤ NO Stories
Path image
numberOfSentences=2510 ㅤ wordsLearned=1932 (1022) ㅤ DebugNames ㅤ JSON
Units in "Section 4" have personalized names.
Section 1: Rookie (8)
Start with essential phrases and simple grammar concepts
ㅤ1ㅤ 1 Say hello and goodbye, Use numbers 📝
3, 3, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 5, 📪, 🏆
Say hello and goodbye, Say hello and goodbye, Use numbers, 📪, Say hello and goodbye, Use numbers, Use numbers, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 2 Ask someone's name, Greet people 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Ask someone's name, Ask someone's name, Greet people, 📪, Ask someone's name, Greet people, Greet people, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 3 Discuss food choices, Talk about occupations 📝
3, 3, 3, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Discuss food choices, 🛠️, Discuss food choices, 📪, Talk about occupations, Discuss food choices, Talk about occupations, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about occupations, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 4 Exchange phone numbers, Discuss nationalities 📝
3, 📪, 3, 4, 3, 📪, 3, 4, 4, 📪, 🏆
Exchange phone numbers, 📪, Exchange phone numbers, Discuss nationalities, 🛠️, 📪, Exchange phone numbers, Discuss nationalities, Discuss nationalities, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 5 Greet people, Talk about your hometown 📝
3, 3, 3, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Greet people, 🛠️, Greet people, 📪, Talk about your hometown, Greet people, Talk about your hometown, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about your hometown, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 6 Express gratitude, Refer to family members 📝
3, 📪, 3, 5, 3, 📪, 3, 5, 5, 📪, 🏆
Express gratitude, 📪, Express gratitude, Refer to family members, 🛠️, 📪, Express gratitude, Refer to family members, Refer to family members, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 7 Ask for help, Greet people you know 📝
4, 3, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 3, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Ask for help, 🛠️, Ask for help, 📪, Greet people you know, Ask for help, Greet people you know, 📪, 🛠️, Greet people you know, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 8 Order a drink, Find a bathroom 📝
3, 📪, 3, 3, 3, 📪, 3, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Order a drink, 📪, Order a drink, Find a bathroom, 🛠️, 📪, Order a drink, Find a bathroom, Find a bathroom, 📪, 🏆
Section 2: Explorer (20)
Learn words, phrases, and grammar concepts for basic interactions
ㅤ2ㅤ 1 / 9 Talk about days and dates, Describe your family 📝
4, 3, 4, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 🏆
Talk about days and dates, 🛠️, Talk about days and dates, 📪, Describe your family, Talk about days and dates, Describe your family, 📪, 🛠️, Describe your family, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 2 / 10 Call someone on the phone, Describe people 📝
3, 📪, 3, 4, 3, 📪, 3, 4, 4, 📪, 🏆
Call someone on the phone, 📪, Call someone on the phone, Describe people, 🛠️, 📪, Call someone on the phone, Describe people, Describe people, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 3 / 11 Talk about past events, Ask for directions 📝
5, 3, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 🏆
Talk about past events, 🛠️, Talk about past events, 📪, Ask for directions, Talk about past events, Ask for directions, 📪, 🛠️, Ask for directions, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 4 / 12 Talk about hobbies, Describe routines 📝
5, 📪, 5, 4, 3, 📪, 5, 4, 4, 📪, 🏆
Talk about hobbies, 📪, Talk about hobbies, Describe routines, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about hobbies, Describe routines, Describe routines, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 5 / 13 Talk about payments, Discuss TV and films 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 🏆
Talk about payments, 🛠️, Talk about payments, 📪, Discuss TV and films, Talk about payments, Discuss TV and films, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss TV and films, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 6 / 14 Describe locations, Go to a restaurant 📝
4, 📪, 4, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 4, 4, 📪, 🏆
Describe locations, 📪, Describe locations, Go to a restaurant, 🛠️, 📪, Describe locations, Go to a restaurant, Go to a restaurant, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 7 / 15 Shop at a market, Talk about hobbies 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 🏆
Shop at a market, 🛠️, Shop at a market, 📪, Talk about hobbies, Shop at a market, Talk about hobbies, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about hobbies, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 8 / 16 Discuss food preferences, Talk about health 📝
4, 📪, 4, 5, 3, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 🏆
Discuss food preferences, 📪, Discuss food preferences, Talk about health, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss food preferences, Talk about health, Talk about health, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 9 / 17 Get around in a city, Chat in a shop 📝
4, 3, 4, 📪, 4, 4, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Get around in a city, 🛠️, Get around in a city, 📪, Chat in a shop, Get around in a city, Chat in a shop, 📪, 🛠️, Chat in a shop, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 10 / 18 Ask how to read a word 📝
3, 📪, 3, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Ask how to read a word, 📪, Ask how to read a word, Ask how to read a word, 🛠️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 11 / 19 Tell time, Identify tableware 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 🏆
Tell time, Tell time, 🛠️, 📪, Identify tableware, Tell time, Identify tableware, 📪, 🛠️, Identify tableware, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 12 / 20 Describe things around you, Discuss sports 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 4, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 🏆
Describe things around you, 📪, Describe things around you, 🛠️, Discuss sports, 📪, Describe things around you, Discuss sports, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss sports, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 13 / 21 Ask someone out, Describe health issues 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 3, 5, 📪, 🏆
Ask someone out, Ask someone out, 📪, 🛠️, Describe health issues, Ask someone out, 📪, Describe health issues, 🛠️, Describe health issues, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 14 / 22 Invite friends over, Chat over dinner 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 3, 5, 🏆
Invite friends over, Invite friends over, 🛠️, 📪, Chat over dinner, Invite friends over, Chat over dinner, 📪, 🛠️, Chat over dinner, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 15 / 23 Shop for clothes, Refer to body parts 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 4, 📪, 5, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 🏆
Shop for clothes, 📪, Shop for clothes, 🛠️, Refer to body parts, 📪, Shop for clothes, Refer to body parts, 🛠️, 📪, Refer to body parts, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 16 / 24 Discuss travel plans, Talk about the weather 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 6, 5, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 🏆
Discuss travel plans, Discuss travel plans, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about the weather, Discuss travel plans, 📪, Talk about the weather, 🛠️, Talk about the weather, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 17 / 25 Refer to colors, Describe people 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Refer to colors, Refer to colors, 🛠️, 📪, Describe people, Refer to colors, Describe people, 📪, 🛠️, Describe people, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 18 / 26 Talk about festivities, Discuss sport events 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 4, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about festivities, 📪, Talk about festivities, 🛠️, Discuss sport events, 📪, Talk about festivities, Discuss sport events, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss sport events, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 19 / 27 Communicate at school, Refer to family members 📝
4, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 🏆
Communicate at school, Communicate at school, 📪, 🛠️, Refer to family members, Communicate at school, 📪, Refer to family members, 🛠️, Refer to family members, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 20 / 28 Discuss Chinese food, Talk about seasons 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 4, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Discuss Chinese food, Discuss Chinese food, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about seasons, Discuss Chinese food, Talk about seasons, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about seasons, 🏆
Section 3: Traveler (17)
Learn more foundational concepts and sentences for basic conversations
ㅤ3ㅤ 1 / 29 Describe places, Ask for a refund 📝
3, 📪, 3, 3, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 🏆
Describe places, 📪, Describe places, 🛠️, Ask for a refund, 📪, Describe places, Ask for a refund, 🛠️, 📪, Ask for a refund, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 2 / 30 Talk about habits, Describe flavors 📝
4, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 🏆
Talk about habits, Talk about habits, 📪, 🛠️, Describe flavors, Talk about habits, 📪, Describe flavors, 🛠️, Describe flavors, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 3 / 31 Talk about people, Give directions 📝
3, 3, 3, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Talk about people, Talk about people, 🛠️, 📪, Give directions, Talk about people, Give directions, 📪, 🛠️, Give directions, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 4 / 32 Talk about routines 📝
3, 📪, 3, 3, 3, 📪, 🏆
Talk about routines, 📪, Talk about routines, 🛠️, Talk about routines, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 5 / 33 Describe travel needs, Discuss language learning 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Describe travel needs, Describe travel needs, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss language learning, Describe travel needs, Discuss language learning, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss language learning, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 6 / 34 Express feelings, Communicate at school 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 3, 📪, 5, 🏆
Express feelings, 📪, Express feelings, 🛠️, Communicate at school, 📪, Express feelings, Communicate at school, 🛠️, 📪, Communicate at school, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 7 / 35 Make plans, Describe the environment 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 6, 5, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 🏆
Make plans, Make plans, 📪, 🛠️, Describe the environment, Make plans, 📪, Describe the environment, 🛠️, Describe the environment, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 8 / 36 Chat with colleagues, Discuss Chinese landmarks 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 3, 4, 3, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Chat with colleagues, Chat with colleagues, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss Chinese landmarks, Chat with colleagues, Discuss Chinese landmarks, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss Chinese landmarks, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 9 / 37 Talk about hobbies, Discuss health issues 📝
4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 4, 4, 3, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about hobbies, 📪, Talk about hobbies, 🛠️, Discuss health issues, 📪, Talk about hobbies, Discuss health issues, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss health issues, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 10 / 38 Talk about travel, Discuss language learning 📝
5, 5, 📪, 3, 4, 5, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 🏆
Talk about travel, Talk about travel, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss language learning, Talk about travel, 📪, Discuss language learning, 🛠️, Discuss language learning, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 11 / 39 Describe your home, Talk about exams 📝
5, 5, 3, 📪, 4, 5, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 🏆
Describe your home, Describe your home, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about exams, Describe your home, Talk about exams, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about exams, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 12 / 40 Make vacation plans, Discuss communication 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 3, 📪, 5, 🏆
Make vacation plans, 📪, Make vacation plans, 🛠️, Discuss communication, 📪, Make vacation plans, Discuss communication, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss communication, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 13 / 41 Talk about performance, Discuss festivals 📝
4, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 🏆
Talk about performance, Talk about performance, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss festivals, Talk about performance, 📪, Discuss festivals, 🛠️, Discuss festivals, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 14 / 42 Talk about Chinese food, Use internet slang 📝
4, 4, 3, 📪, 7, 4, 7, 📪, 3, 7, 🏆
Talk about Chinese food, Talk about Chinese food, 🛠️, 📪, Use internet slang, Talk about Chinese food, Use internet slang, 📪, 🛠️, Use internet slang, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 15 / 43 Refer to business documents, Discuss business 📝
5, 📪, 5, 3, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 3, 📪, 5, 🏆
Refer to business documents, 📪, Refer to business documents, 🛠️, Discuss business, 📪, Refer to business documents, Discuss business, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss business, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 16 / 44 Communicate in an emergency, Talk to coworkers 📝
4, 4, 📪, 3, 4, 4, 📪, 4, 3, 4, 📪, 🏆
Communicate in an emergency, Communicate in an emergency, 📪, 🛠️, Talk to coworkers, Communicate in an emergency, 📪, Talk to coworkers, 🛠️, Talk to coworkers, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 17 / 45 Talk about the weather, Learn about Duo 📝
3, 3, 3, 📪, 3, 3, 3, 📪, 3, 3, 🏆
Talk about the weather, Talk about the weather, 🛠️, 📪, Learn about Duo, Talk about the weather, Learn about Duo, 📪, 🛠️, Learn about Duo, 🏆
Section 4 (Champion / Personalized Practice) (12)
Keep your chinese strong with challenges designed just for you
(Path Extension Practices)
ㅤ4ㅤ 1 to 11 (46 to 56): 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 12 (57): 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 🏆
Section 5: Daily Refresh OPTIONAL
ㅤ5ㅤ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 🏆
Each lesson or 🏆 has challenges, to get the Legendary trophy
Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each 🏆 has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-04-26.