Duolingo Data:
French from English
194 units (2024-Jan-08):
Up to CEFR "B2"
2097 levels ㅤ 8138 lessons ㅤ 408 Stories
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numberOfSentences=61494 ㅤ wordsLearned=8328 (4385) ㅤ DebugNames ㅤ JSON
Units in "Section 10: Champion" have personalized names.
CEFR Intro:
Section 1: Rookie (6)
Start with essential phrases and simple grammar concepts
ㅤ1ㅤ 1 Use basic phrases, Greet people 📝
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 🏆
Use basic phrases, Use basic phrases, Greet people, 📪, Use basic phrases, Greet people, Greet people, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 2 Introduce yourself, Use the present tense 📝
5, 5, 6, 📪, 5, 6, 6, 📪, 🏆
Introduce yourself, Introduce yourself, Use the present tense, 📪, Introduce yourself, Use the present tense, Use the present tense, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 3 Get around town, Refer to family members 📝
6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 📖, 3, 6, 📖, 🏆
Get around town, 🛠️, Good Morning, Get around town, 📪, A Date, Refer to family members, Get around town, One Thing, Refer to family members, 📪, A Big Family, 🛠️, Refer to family members, I Want This Jacket!, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 4 Talk about things you do, Form the plural 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 📖, 6, 📖, 6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about things you do, 📪, The Passport, Talk about things you do, Form the plural, The Honeymoon, 🛠️, 📪, Eddy, the Doctor, Talk about things you do, The Bag, Form the plural, The New Student, Form the plural, A Question, 📪, To the Station!, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 5 Use the present tense, Describe your family 📝
5, 📖, 3, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 📖, 6, 📖, 6, 📖, 🏆
Use the present tense, The Vegetarian, 🛠️, More Space, Describe your family, Clothes for My Vacation, 📪, The Reservation, Describe your family, The Dog, Describe your family, What Do You Want?, 🏆
ㅤ1ㅤ 6 Order food and drink 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 📖, 3, 📖, 6, 📖, 6, 📖, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Order food and drink, A Coffee, Please, 📪, Lily's Clothes, 🛠️, At the Supermarket, Order food and drink, The Perfect Girlfriend, Order food and drink, Trip to Spain, 📪, The Math Test, 🏆
Section 2: Explorer (13)
Learn words, phrases, and grammar concepts for basic interactions
ㅤ2ㅤ 1 / 7 Use gender and number agreement, Discuss destinations 📝
6, 6, 3, 📖, 📪, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Use gender and number agreement, Use gender and number agreement, 🛠️, 📪, I Want This Game, Discuss destinations, Use gender and number agreement, Discuss destinations, 📪, Where Is Your Girlfriend?, Discuss destinations, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 2 / 8 Describe your home, Describe where you work 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 3, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Describe your home, 📪, The Basketball Player, Describe your home, Describe where you work, Describe your home, 📪, A Ticket to New York, 🛠️, Describe where you work, Describe where you work, 📪, Thanks?, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 3 / 9 Talk about food, Use gender and number agreement 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 📖, 5, 6, 🏆
Talk about food, Talk about food, 🛠️, 📪, The Dance Class, Use gender and number agreement, Talk about food, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 4 / 10 Use the present tense, Shop for clothes 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 3, 🏆
Use the present tense, 📪, Where Is Marie?, Use the present tense, 🛠️, Shop for clothes, 📪, Lucy's Famous Recipe, Use the present tense, Shop for clothes, Shop for clothes, 📪, Junior Exercises, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 5 / 11 Exchange personal information, Use the infinitive 📝
6, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 3, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 🏆
Exchange personal information, Exchange personal information, 📪, The Garden, Use the infinitive, Exchange personal information, 🛠️, 📪, The Perfect Person, Use the infinitive, Use the infinitive, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 6 / 12 Ask people about themselves, Ask questions 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 3, 🏆
Ask people about themselves, 📪, Can I Help You?, Ask people about themselves, 🛠️, Ask questions, 📪, Junior's Choice, Ask people about themselves, Ask questions, Ask questions, 📪, I Really Want a Dog, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 7 / 13 Tell time, Form the present tense 📝
6, 6, 📪, 📖, 5, 6, 3, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Tell time, Tell time, 📪, The Model, Form the present tense, Tell time, 🛠️, 📪, The Portrait, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 8 / 14 Talk to someone formally, Talk about hobbies 📝
6, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 🏆
Talk to someone formally, Talk to someone formally, Talk about hobbies, 📪, Can You Take a Picture of Me?, Talk to someone formally, 🛠️, Talk about hobbies, 📪, The New Sport, Talk about hobbies, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 9 / 15 Describe your breakfast, Discuss travel plans 📝
6, 6, 📪, 📖, 3, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 3, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Describe your breakfast, Describe your breakfast, 📪, Lucie and the Dinosaurs, 🛠️, Discuss travel plans, Describe your breakfast, 📪, Where Are My Keys?, Discuss travel plans, Discuss travel plans, 🛠️, 📪, The Kitchen Is Really Dirty, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 10 / 16 Talk about school, Share work schedules 📝
6, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 🏆
Talk about school, Talk about school, Share work schedules, 📪, The Monkeys, Talk about school, 🛠️, Share work schedules, 📪, This Is Not Art, Share work schedules, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 11 / 17 Book a hotel, Use articles 📝
6, 6, 📪, 📖, 3, 5, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Book a hotel, Book a hotel, 📪, The Waiter Is Right, 🛠️, Use articles, Book a hotel, I Feel Sick, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 12 / 18 Describe your routine, Talk about the weather 📝
6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 📖, 6, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Describe your routine, Describe your routine, I Want a Pizza, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about the weather, The Diary, Describe your routine, Talk about the weather, 📪, Oscar's Flowers, Talk about the weather, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ2ㅤ 13 / 19 Describe people 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 🏆
Describe people, Always Late, 📪, Describe people, Describe people, Day Off, 🏆
Section 3: Traveler (12)
Learn more foundational concepts and sentences for basic conversations
ㅤ3ㅤ 1 / 20 Express feelings, Shop for groceries 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 🏆
Express feelings, 📪, Express feelings, 🛠️, Junior's Birthday, Shop for groceries, 📪, Express feelings, Shop for groceries, What's Your Name?, 🛠️, 📪, Shop for groceries, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 2 / 21 Shop for clothes, Get directions 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 🏆
Shop for clothes, An Interesting Conversation, Shop for clothes, 📪, 🛠️, Get directions, That's Not for Kids!, Shop for clothes, 📪, Get directions, 🛠️, It's Too Dangerous!, Get directions, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 3 / 22 Talk about days and times, Use reflexive verbs 📝
6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 5, 6, 📖, 🏆
Talk about days and times, Talk about days and times, Drawing in the Park, 🛠️, 📪, Use reflexive verbs, Talk about days and times, The Art Homework, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 4 / 23 Talk about free time, Express opinions 📝
6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Talk about free time, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about free time, Pizza Night, Express opinions, 📪, Talk about free time, 🛠️, The Big Game, Express opinions, 📪, Express opinions, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 5 / 24 Use direct object pronouns, Talk about nature 📝
6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 🏆
Friends2, Breakfast, 🛠️, 📪, Friends2, Nature, Look at My Painting, Friends2, 📪, 🛠️, Nature, In the Taxi, Nature, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 6 / 25 Describe your family, Communicate at school 📝
6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 🏆
Describe your family, 🛠️, It's an Emergency!, Describe your family, 📪, Communicate at school, Describe your family, Love Letter, 🛠️, 📪, Communicate at school, Communicate at school, Vikram's Plants, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 7 / 26 Talk about cooking, Describe your schedule 📝
6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Talk about cooking, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about cooking, The Cake, Describe your schedule, 📪, Talk about cooking, 🛠️, The Promotion, Describe your schedule, 📪, Describe your schedule, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 8 / 27 Use savoir and connaître, Make vacation plans 📝
5, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 🏆
Use savoir and connaître, It's My Ex!, 🛠️, 📪, Make vacation plans, Make vacation plans, The Song, Make vacation plans, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 9 / 28 Talk about your health, Describe housing 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 🏆
Talk about your health, Send an Email, Talk about your health, 📪, Describe housing, 🛠️, An Excellent Teacher, Talk about your health, 📪, Describe housing, Describe housing, Car Problems, 🛠️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 10 / 29 Communicate with coworkers, Use the imperfect 📝
6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Communicate with coworkers, Communicate with coworkers, A Day Fishing, Use the imperfect, 📪, 🛠️, Communicate with coworkers, Burial at Sea, Use the imperfect, 📪, Use the imperfect, 🛠️, Free Pizza, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 11 / 30 Talk about recent events, Make offers and requests 📝
6, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 🏆
Talk about recent events, 📪, Talk about recent events, Make offers and requests, Weird Ending, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about recent events, Make offers and requests, My Favorite Band, Make offers and requests, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ3ㅤ 12 / 31 Use commands, Talk about a recent trip 📝
5, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Use commands, Sit Down, Talk about a recent trip, 📪, Talk about a recent trip, Recycling Is Important, 🛠️, Talk about a recent trip, 📪, Eddy's Breakup, 🏆
Section 4: Trailblazer (26)
Use sentences in conversations about everyday topics
ㅤ4ㅤ 1 / 32 Use the present tense, Describe your weekend 📝
6, 6, 3, 📪, 6, 📖, 6, 6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 🏆
Use the present tense, Use the present tense, 🛠️, 📪, Describe your weekend, Thanks, Mom!, Use the present tense, Describe your weekend, 📪, 🛠️, Describe your weekend, You Can Talk?, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 2 / 33 Use the past tense, Describe people you know 📝
5, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 🏆
Use the past tense, 📪, Describe people you know, 🛠️, Describe people you know, At the Campsite, 📪, Describe people you know, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 3 / 34 Talk about classes, Refer to extended family 📝
6, 3, 📪, 📖, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 3, 📖, 6, 6, 📪, 🏆
Talk about classes, 🛠️, 📪, Sleeping At Your Place, Talk about classes, Refer to extended family, Talk about classes, 📪, 🛠️, Two Tickets, Refer to extended family, Refer to extended family, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 4 / 35 Talk about Paris, Comment on clothes 📝
6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 3, 📖, 📪, 6, 6, 🏆
Talk about Paris, 🛠️, You're Getting Older, Talk about Paris, 📪, Comment on clothes, Talk about Paris, 🛠️, New Year, New Bea, 📪, Comment on clothes, Comment on clothes, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 5 / 36 Make requests, Shop at a market 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 3, 6, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Make requests, 📪, Going to Rome, 🛠️, Make requests, Shop at a market, 📪, Make requests, Second Date, 🛠️, Shop at a market, 📪, Shop at a market, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 6 / 37 (Discuss tv, Films, And books), Use the past tense 📝
6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 5, 6, 📖, 📪, 3, 🏆
Discuss tv, Films, And books, Can I Take Your Picture?, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss tv, Films, And books, Use the past tense, Discuss tv, Films, And books, The Letter, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 7 / 38 Use indirect object pronouns, Communicate at a hotel 📝
6, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 6, 3, 📪, 🏆
Use indirect object pronouns, Use indirect object pronouns, 📪, Too Fast, Communicate at a hotel, 🛠️, Use indirect object pronouns, 📪, Communicate at a hotel, I Have a White Hair!, Communicate at a hotel, 🛠️, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 8 / 39 Talk about spending money, Talk about family gatherings 📝
6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Talk about spending money, Talk about spending money, A Pink Dress, Talk about family gatherings, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about spending money, The Elevator, Talk about family gatherings, 📪, Talk about family gatherings, 🛠️, My Cousin's Wedding, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 9 / 40 Share travel experiences, Talk about technology 📝
6, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 🏆
Share travel experiences, 📪, Share travel experiences, Talk about technology, The Manager's Office, 🛠️, 📪, Share travel experiences, Talk about technology, My Grandmother's Recipe, Talk about technology, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 10 / 41 Use the imperfect tense, Discuss games and media 📝
5, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 🏆
Use the imperfect tense, A Love Story, Discuss games and media, 📪, Discuss games and media, 🛠️, I Don't Believe in Horoscopes, Discuss games and media, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 11 / 42 Talk about exercise, Discuss money 📝
6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 🏆
Talk about exercise, Talk about exercise, The Sandwich Thief, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss money, Talk about exercise, You're Breaking up with Me?, Discuss money, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss money, Did the Recipe Change?, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 12 / 43 Comment on foods, Make plans to go out 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 6, 🏆
Comment on foods, 📪, Comment on foods, 🛠️, This Tastes Strange, Make plans to go out, 📪, Comment on foods, Make plans to go out, The Wedding Cake, 🛠️, 📪, Make plans to go out, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 13 / 44 Talk about your past, Make transit plans 📝
6, 📖, 6, 📪, 3, 6, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 🏆
Talk about your past, Finding Love!, Talk about your past, 📪, 🛠️, Make transit plans, The Boxing Match, Talk about your past, 📪, Make transit plans, 🛠️, Flat Tire, Make transit plans, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 14 / 45 Use commands, Use the past with être 📝
6, 6, 📖, 3, 📪, 5, 6, 📖, 🏆
Use commands, Use commands, A Great Tent!, 🛠️, 📪, Use the past with être, Use commands, The Premiere, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 15 / 46 Describe what's in your home, Talk about art 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Describe what's in your home, 📪, Describe what's in your home, 🛠️, Talk about art, It's Time to Change, 📪, Describe what's in your home, 🛠️, Talk about art, 📪, I Want the Sandwich, Talk about art, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 16 / 47 Communicate in an emergency, Use the future tense 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Communicate in an emergency, 📪, Communicate in an emergency, The Blue Duck, 🛠️, Use the future tense, 📪, Communicate in an emergency, 🛠️, Let's Ask for Directions, Use the future tense, 📪, Use the future tense, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 17 / 48 Communicate with a doctor, Talk about the weather 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Communicate with a doctor, The Sweater, 📪, Communicate with a doctor, 🛠️, Talk about the weather, 📪, It's Quite an Art, Communicate with a doctor, 🛠️, Talk about the weather, 📪, Talk about the weather, My Leg Hurts, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 18 / 49 Use the future tense, Talk about possessions 📝
5, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Use the future tense, 📪, Talk about possessions, 🛠️, The Old Woman, Talk about possessions, 📪, Talk about possessions, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 19 / 50 Talk about the future, Talk about a bad day 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Talk about the future, Dinner with the CEO, 📪, Talk about the future, 🛠️, Talk about a bad day, 📪, Oscar in Los Angeles, Talk about the future, 🛠️, Talk about a bad day, 📪, Talk about a bad day, Airport Vacation, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 20 / 51 Discuss careers, Express yourself politely 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Discuss careers, 📪, Discuss careers, 🛠️, Zari Learns to Drive, Express yourself politely, 📪, Discuss careers, 🛠️, Express yourself politely, Who's Coming to Dinner?, 📪, Express yourself politely, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 21 / 52 Shop for sales, Use the gerund 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Shop for sales, 📪, Perfect for the Job, Shop for sales, 🛠️, Use the gerund, 📪, Shop for sales, The Best Grade, 🛠️, Use the gerund, 📪, Use the gerund, 🛠️, Last Night's Dinner, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 22 / 53 Use the conditional, Use past reflexive verbs 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 5, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Use the conditional, 📪, Use the conditional, 🛠️, He’s Calling Me?, Use past reflexive verbs, 📪, Use the conditional, 🛠️, The Security Question, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 23 / 54 Make requests, Discuss protests 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Make requests, 📪, Make requests, 🛠️, Work from Home, Discuss protests, 📪, Make requests, 🛠️, The Drawing, Discuss protests, 📪, Discuss protests, 🛠️, The Right Time, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 24 / 55 Order at a restaurant, Comment on sports 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Order at a restaurant, 📪, Order at a restaurant, 🛠️, The Bakery, Comment on sports, 📪, Order at a restaurant, 🛠️, The New Hobby, Comment on sports, 📪, Comment on sports, 🛠️, The Boy I Love, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 25 / 56 Communicate in class, Talk about road trips 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Communicate in class, 📪, Communicate in class, 🛠️, A Scream in the Night, Talk about road trips, 📪, Communicate in class, 🛠️, Vikram's Surprise, Talk about road trips, 📪, Talk about road trips, 🛠️, I Want to Be like You, 🏆
ㅤ4ㅤ 26 / 57 Discuss emergencies, Talk about meeting people 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Discuss emergencies, 📪, Discuss emergencies, 🛠️, Bird Sitting, Talk about meeting people, 📪, Discuss emergencies, 🛠️, Lily Tidies Up the Apartment, Talk about meeting people, 📪, Talk about meeting people, 🛠️, The Hacker, 🏆
Section 5: Adventurer (29)
Form sentences about a wider variety of topics
ㅤ5ㅤ 1 / 58 Order at a bistro, Talk about festivals 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Order at a bistro, 📪, Order at a bistro, I Love Your Haircut, 🛠️, Talk about festivals, 📪, New Jeans, Order at a bistro, 🛠️, Talk about festivals, The New Roommate, 📪, Talk about festivals, 🛠️, A Great Concert, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 2 / 59 Use object pronouns, Use rien and personne 📝
5, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Use object pronouns, 📪, Use rien and personne, Janelle's Play, 🛠️, Use rien and personne, 📪, Long-Distance Relationship, Use rien and personne, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 3 / 60 Discuss gifts, Talk about school 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Discuss gifts, Space Turtles, 📪, Discuss gifts, 🛠️, Turbulence, Talk about school, 📪, Discuss gifts, The Party, 🛠️, Talk about school, 📪, Vote for Eddy!, Talk about school, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 4 / 61 Discuss relationships, Describe career plans 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Discuss relationships, Famous on Social Media, 📪, Discuss relationships, 🛠️, Beach Day, Describe career plans, 📪, Discuss relationships, I Really Want This Job, 🛠️, Describe career plans, 📪, The Tea Set, Describe career plans, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 5 / 62 Express opinions, Talk about the outdoors 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Express opinions, I Love Pirates, 📪, Express opinions, 🛠️, Eat Your Vegetables, Talk about the outdoors, 📪, Express opinions, Are We No Longer Cool?, 🛠️, Talk about the outdoors, 📪, One Star, Talk about the outdoors, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 6 / 63 Use the future tense, Use relative pronouns 📝
5, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Use the future tense, Sunset Cruise, 📪, Use relative pronouns, 🛠️, The Boss's Son, Use relative pronouns, 📪, Use relative pronouns, The Magic School, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 7 / 64 Discuss athletics, Talk about the past 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Discuss athletics, 📪, Eddy the Princess, Discuss athletics, 🛠️, Talk about the past, A Fancy Party, 📪, Discuss athletics, 🛠️, Too Different, Talk about the past, 📪, Talk about the past, More Garlic, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 8 / 65 Talk about the environment, Discuss your health 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Talk about the environment, 📪, I've Changed, Talk about the environment, 🛠️, Discuss your health, You Should Go Out, 📪, Talk about the environment, 🛠️, Oscar's Birthday, Discuss your health, 📪, Discuss your health, The Astronaut, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 9 / 66 Talk about your job, Use y and en 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
OfficeTalk about your job 📪, Dancing Is Easy, Talk about your job, 🛠️, Use y and en, I Love Boxing, 📪, Talk about your job, 🛠️, A Big Head, Use y and en, 📪, Use y and en, Too Nice, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 10 / 67 Talk about your siblings, Use pronouns 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 5, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Talk about your siblings, 📪, Choosing a Gift, Talk about your siblings, 🛠️, Use pronouns, Haunted Hotel, 📪, Talk about your siblings, 🛠️, The Magic Trick, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 11 / 68 Follow recipes, Read a celebrity interview 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Follow recipes, 📪, Follow recipes, An Old Friend, 🛠️, Read a celebrity interview, 📪, The Big Slide, Follow recipes, 🛠️, Read a celebrity interview, The Reading Club, 📪, Read a celebrity interview, 🛠️, Be Honest, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 12 / 69 Describe a wedding, Communicate on a trip 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Describe a wedding, 📪, Describe a wedding, At the Gym, 🛠️, Communicate on a trip, 📪, Pie Contest, Describe a wedding, 🛠️, Communicate on a trip, I Need to Practice, 📪, Communicate on a trip, 🛠️, Going Away Party, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 13 / 70 Describe household tasks, Discuss travel abroad 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Describe household tasks, 📪, Describe household tasks, The Spicy Soup, 🛠️, Discuss travel abroad, 📪, Too Expensive, Describe household tasks, 🛠️, The Frog, Discuss travel abroad, 📪, Lily's Painting, Discuss travel abroad, 🛠️, I Can Do It, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 14 / 71 Talk about the internet, Comment on foods 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Talk about the internet, 📪, An Important Decision, Talk about the internet, 🛠️, Are You Sick?, Comment on foods, 📪, First Class, Talk about the internet, 🛠️, Potato Chips and Pajamas, Comment on foods, 📪, You Lost, Comment on foods, 🛠️, A Long Flight, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 15 / 72 Use relative pronouns, Talk about eating 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Use relative pronouns, 📪, Use relative pronouns, 🛠️, Talk about eating, 📪, The Baby Picture, Use relative pronouns, 🛠️, Talk about eating, 📪, Talk about eating, 🛠️, The Move, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 16 / 73 Form commands, Discuss past relationships 📝
5, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Form commands, 📪, Discuss past relationships, 🛠️, Discuss past relationships, 📪, The Bride, Discuss past relationships, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 17 / 74 Talk about technology, Describe coworkers 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Talk about technology, 📪, Talk about technology, 🛠️, A Fancy Wedding, Describe coworkers, 📪, Talk about technology, 🛠️, Describe coworkers, 📪, I'm the One Driving, Describe coworkers, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 18 / 75 Discuss household chores, Narrate in the past 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Discuss household chores, 📪, Discuss household chores, 🛠️, Fifty Years Later, Narrate in the past, 📪, Discuss household chores, 🛠️, Narrate in the past, 📪, Let's Move the Bed, Narrate in the past, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 19 / 76 Use passive voice, Talk about sports 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Use passive voice, 📪, Use passive voice, 🛠️, The New App, Talk about sports, 📪, Use passive voice, 🛠️, Talk about sports, 📪, Eddy's Emergency, Talk about sports, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 20 / 77 Follow a recipe, Describe student life 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Follow a recipe, 📪, Follow a recipe, 🛠️, Eddy's Haircut, Describe student life, 📪, Follow a recipe, 🛠️, Describe student life, 📪, The Wedding Gift, Describe student life, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 21 / 78 Talk on the phone, Use the gerund 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 5, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Talk on the phone, 📪, Talk on the phone, 🛠️, Bea's Date, Use the gerund, 📪, Talk on the phone, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 22 / 79 Use past participles, Describe your childhood 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Use past participles, 📪, The Wedding Anniversary, Use past participles, 🛠️, Describe your childhood, 📪, Use past participles, 🛠️, I Am Going to Run a Marathon!, Describe your childhood, 📪, Describe your childhood, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 23 / 80 Talk about feelings, Discuss unfortunate events 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Talk about feelings, 📪, Aliens Exist, Talk about feelings, 🛠️, Discuss unfortunate events, 📪, Talk about feelings, 🛠️, The Space Viking, Discuss unfortunate events, 📪, Discuss unfortunate events, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 24 / 81 Express obligation, Describe a medical problem 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Express obligation, 📪, Bad Reception, Express obligation, 🛠️, Describe a medical problem, 📪, Express obligation, 🛠️, A Boat Ride, Describe a medical problem, 📪, Describe a medical problem, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 25 / 82 Talk in class, Use agreement with objects 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 5, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Talk in class, 📪, A Perfect Anniversary, Talk in class, 🛠️, Use agreement with objects, 📪, Talk in class, Where Is the Dog?, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 26 / 83 Describe social issues, Use the conditional 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Describe social issues, 📪, Describe social issues, 🛠️, Whatever Junior Wants, Use the conditional, 📪, Describe social issues, 🛠️, Use the conditional, The Password, 📪, Use the conditional, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 27 / 84 Talk about a new job, Make suggestions 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Talk about a new job, 📪, Junior Makes a Mess, Talk about a new job, 🛠️, Make suggestions, 📪, Talk about a new job, The Audition, 🛠️, Make suggestions, 📪, Make suggestions, 🛠️, Horror Movie, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 28 / 85 Communicate at a party, Discuss travel abroad 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Communicate at a party, 📪, Communicate at a party, 🛠️, Discuss travel abroad, Aunt Élisabeth, 📪, Communicate at a party, 🛠️, Discuss travel abroad, 📪, Twenty Years, Discuss travel abroad, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ5ㅤ 29 / 86 Use the conditional, Use the subjunctive 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 5, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Use the conditional, 📪, Use the conditional, Junior's Interview, 🛠️, Use the subjunctive, 📪, Use the conditional, 🛠️, The Drummer, 🏆
Section 6: Discoverer (28)
Communicate more complex ideas in conversations
ㅤ6ㅤ 1 / 87 Describe your neighbors, Talk about dressing up 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Describe your neighbors, 📪, Describe your neighbors, 🛠️, Talk about dressing up, Sorry to Be Late, 📪, Describe your neighbors, 🛠️, Talk about dressing up, 📪, Pretty Tie, Talk about dressing up, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 2 / 88 Use your imagination, Describe work issues 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Use your imagination, 📪, Use your imagination, The Accident, 🛠️, Describe work issues, 📪, Use your imagination, 🛠️, The Film Is Starting, Describe work issues, 📪, Describe work issues, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 3 / 89 Talk about home repairs, Discuss movies 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Talk about home repairs, This Is Not a Date, 📪, Talk about home repairs, 🛠️, Discuss movies, 📪, The Exhibition, Talk about home repairs, 🛠️, Discuss movies, 📪, Discuss movies, Look at the Whales, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 4 / 90 Use the conditional, Talk about classes 📝
5, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Use the conditional, 📪, Talk about classes, 🛠️, I Can Repair It!, Talk about classes, 📪, Talk about classes, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 5 / 91 Discuss gardening, Talk about transit 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Discuss gardening, Hannah's Party, 📪, Discuss gardening, 🛠️, Talk about transit, 📪, Eddy's Meeting, Discuss gardening, 🛠️, Talk about transit, 📪, Talk about transit, I'm the Boss, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 6 / 92 Narrate past events, Talk about crime 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Narrate past events, 📪, Narrate past events, 🛠️, Is Your Wifi Working?, Talk about crime, 📪, Narrate past events, 🛠️, Talk about crime, The Worst Season, 📪, Talk about crime, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 7 / 93 Give medical advice, Describe urban life 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Give medical advice, 📪, Call a Doctor!, Give medical advice, 🛠️, Describe urban life, 📪, Give medical advice, Lin's Resume, 🛠️, Describe urban life, 📪, Describe urban life, 🛠️, The Baking Contest, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 8 / 94 Use the subjunctive, Discuss the distant past 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 5, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Use the subjunctive, 📪, Use the subjunctive, 🛠️, Discuss the distant past, The Refund, 📪, Use the subjunctive, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 9 / 95 Describe a neighborhood, Talk about communication 📝
6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Describe a neighborhood, 📪, Something New, Describe a neighborhood, 🛠️, Talk about communication, 📪, Describe a neighborhood, Zari's Costume, 🛠️, Talk about communication, 📪, Talk about communication, 🛠️, The Cat Law, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 10 / 96 Talk about french food, Discuss politics 📝
6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 🏆
Talk about french food, 📪, Talk about french food, 🛠️, Discuss politics, Don't Feed the Seals, 📪, Talk about french food, 🛠️, Discuss politics, 📪, The Yoga Class, Discuss politics, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 11 / 97 Use the conditional, Express a reaction 📝
6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Use the conditional, 📪, Use the conditional, Junior Gets Vaccinated, 🛠️, Express a reaction, 📪, Use the conditional, 🛠️, Where's My Jacket?, Express a reaction, 📪, Express a reaction, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 12 / 98 Comment on clothes, Express opinions 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 🏆
Comment on clothes, Thief!, 📪, Comment on clothes, 🛠️, Express opinions, 📪, The List, Comment on clothes, 🛠️, Express opinions, 📪, Express opinions, A Monster under the Bed, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 13 / 99 Use the subjunctive, Talk about the outdoors 📝
5, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 🏆
Use the subjunctive, 📪, Talk about the outdoors, 🛠️, Cousins, Talk about the outdoors, 📪, Talk about the outdoors, 🛠️, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 14 / 100 Talk about your family 📝
6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about your family, Inhale, Exhale, 📪, Talk about your family, 🛠️, Talk about your family, 📪, At the Front Row, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 15 / 101 Discuss home repairs, Describe what's on tv 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discuss home repairs, 🛠️, Discuss home repairs, 📪, Describe what's on tv, 🛠️, Eddy's Night Out, Discuss home repairs, 📪, Describe what's on tv, 🛠️, Describe what's on tv, 📪, Checking In, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 16 / 102 Discuss sports events, Talk about chores 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discuss sports events, 🛠️, Discuss sports events, 📪, Talk about chores, 🛠️, Bad at Soccer, Discuss sports events, 📪, Talk about chores, 🛠️, Talk about chores, 📪, What's Your Recipe?, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 17 / 103 Talk about getting well, Discuss a trip to Paris 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about getting well, 🛠️, Talk about getting well, 📪, Discuss a trip to Paris, 🛠️, On the News, Talk about getting well, 📪, Discuss a trip to Paris, 🛠️, Discuss a trip to Paris, 📪, Save the Animals!, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 18 / 104 Use the past tense, Describe a bad vacation 📝
5, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 🏆
Use the past tense, 🛠️, Describe a bad vacation, 📪, Describe a bad vacation, Junior's New Company, 🛠️, Describe a bad vacation, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 19 / 105 Express needs, Use the subjunctive 📝
6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express needs, 🛠️, Too Many Things, Express needs, 📪, Use the subjunctive, 🛠️, Express needs, Secret Hideout, 📪, Use the subjunctive, 🛠️, Use the subjunctive, 📪, Eddy's Tears, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 20 / 106 Discuss cooking mishaps, Communicate on a plane 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 🏆
Discuss cooking mishaps, 🛠️, Discuss cooking mishaps, 📪, Communicate on a plane, I'm Fine!, 🛠️, Discuss cooking mishaps, 📪, Communicate on a plane, 🛠️, Surprise Party, Communicate on a plane, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 21 / 107 Comment on art, Talk about holidays 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 🏆
Comment on art, 🛠️, Comment on art, The Principal's Office, 📪, Talk about holidays, 🛠️, Comment on art, 📪, Is She Mad at Me?, Talk about holidays, 🛠️, Talk about holidays, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 22 / 108 Discuss world news, Use the subjunctive 📝
6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 5, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 🏆
Discuss world news, The Best Cookies, 🛠️, Discuss world news, 📪, Use the subjunctive, 🛠️, Dating Apps, Discuss world news, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 23 / 109 Reminisce about the past, Use reported speech 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 🏆
Reminisce about the past, 🛠️, Reminisce about the past, My Horse Hates Me, 📪, Use reported speech, 🛠️, Reminisce about the past, 📪, The Videotape, Use reported speech, 🛠️, Use reported speech, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 24 / 100 Describe a film set, Say what could have been 📝
6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 🏆
Describe a film set, Remove This Statue, 🛠️, Describe a film set, 📪, Say what could have been, 🛠️, A Tiny Hat, Describe a film set, 📪, Say what could have been, 🛠️, Say what could have been, The Mountain, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 25 / 111 Talk about transit, Blame others 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 🏆
Talk about transit, 🛠️, Talk about transit, 📪, A Difficult Person, Blame others, 🛠️, Talk about transit, 📪, Blame others, Pirate Park, 🛠️, Blame others, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 26 / 112 Use past conditional, Express regret 📝
5, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 🏆
Use past conditional, 🛠️, I Can Predict the Future, Express regret, 📪, Express regret, 🛠️, Express regret, Uncle Édouard's House, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 27 / 113 Describe farms and gardens, Talk about work 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 🏆
Describe farms and gardens, 🛠️, Describe farms and gardens, 📪, Get out of Here!, Talk about work, 🛠️, Describe farms and gardens, 📪, Talk about work, Late Fees, 🛠️, Talk about work, 📪, 🏆
ㅤ6ㅤ 28 / 114 Describe a summer vacation, Talk about classes 📝
6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Describe a summer vacation, 🛠️, At Sunrise, Describe a summer vacation, 📪, Talk about classes, 🛠️, Describe a summer vacation, A Relaxing Weekend, 📪, Talk about classes, 🛠️, Talk about classes, 📪, Hike in the Forest, 🏆
Section 7: Daredevil (20)
Talk about abstract feelings and opinions
ㅤ7ㅤ 1 / 115 Ask for permission, Support a claim 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Ask for permission, 🛠️, Ask for permission, 📪, My Money, My Decision, Support a claim, 🛠️, Ask for permission, 📪, Eddy's Household Chores, Support a claim, 🛠️, Support a claim, 📪, A Real Prince, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 2 / 116 Criticize food, Discuss bad behavior 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Criticize food, 🛠️, Criticize food, 📪, Dogs to Love, Discuss bad behavior, 🛠️, Criticize food, 📪, Dog Walker Available, Discuss bad behavior, 🛠️, Discuss bad behavior, 📪, Junior's First Kiss, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 3 / 117 Describe home repairs, Express opinions 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Describe home repairs, 🛠️, Describe home repairs, 📪, Lin Wants to Be on TV, Express opinions, 🛠️, Describe home repairs, 📪, Thanks for this Unforgettable Evening, Express opinions, 🛠️, Express opinions, 📪, Eddy Gets an Offer, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 4 / 118 Discuss pros and cons, Use relative pronouns 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discuss pros and cons, 🛠️, Discuss pros and cons, 📪, Looking for a Babysitter, Use relative pronouns, 🛠️, Discuss pros and cons, 📪, Letter to Eddy, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 5 / 119 Discuss the future, Talk about crime 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discuss the future, 🛠️, Discuss the future, 📪, Eddy, Star for a Day, Talk about crime, 🛠️, Discuss the future, 📪, Ghost Hunting Report, Talk about crime, 🛠️, Talk about crime, 📪, Ghost Hunters, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 6 / 120 Express likelihood, Warn someone 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express likelihood, 🛠️, Express likelihood, 📪, City Aquarium Newsletter, Warn someone, 🛠️, Express likelihood, 📪, Clean Beach Operation, Warn someone, 🛠️, Warn someone, 📪, Space Adventure, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 7 / 121 Discuss responsibilities, Challenge clichés 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discuss responsibilities, 🛠️, Discuss responsibilities, 📪, Camp for Young Astronauts, Challenge clichés, 🛠️, Discuss responsibilities, 📪, Cake to Deliver, Challenge clichés, 🛠️, Challenge clichés, 📪, Lin's Towing Service, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 8 / 122 Express regret, Use passive voice 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express regret, 🛠️, Express regret, 📪, Oscar's Diary, May 16, May16th, Use passive voice, 🛠️, Express regret, 📪, A Romantic Date, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 9 / 123 Navigate travel issues, Discuss food preferences 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Navigate travel issues, 🛠️, Navigate travel issues, More Sugar, 📪, Discuss food preferences, 🛠️, The Forgotten Action Figure, Navigate travel issues, 📪, Discuss food preferences, On the Dance Floor, 🛠️, Discuss food preferences, 📪, Art Class Rules, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 10 / 124 Talk about memories, Talk informally 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about memories, 🛠️, Talk about memories, Oscar Has a Day Off, 📪, Talk informally, 🛠️, Bea the Photographer, Talk about memories, 📪, Talk informally, Zari Is in Low Spirits, 🛠️, Talk informally, 📪, Get Back Together, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 11 / 125 Describe symptoms, Express worries 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Describe symptoms, 🛠️, Describe symptoms, 📪, How to Pass for a Teen, Express worries, 🛠️, Describe symptoms, 📪, Fly, Baby Bird, Express worries, 🛠️, Express worries, 📪, Lily Acts as an Interpreter, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 12 / 126 Communicate requirements, Share opinions 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Communicate requirements, 🛠️, Communicate requirements, 📪, Eddy's Cooking Tips, Share opinions, 🛠️, Communicate requirements, 📪, Pirate Post, Share opinions, 🛠️, Share opinions, 📪, Anything for Lily, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 13 / 127 Review past tenses, Use verbs with à and de 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Review past tenses, 🛠️, Review past tenses, 📪, Eddy's Dating Profile, Use verbs with à and de, 🛠️, Review past tenses, 📪, He Stole My Style!, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 14 / 128 Express surprise, Discuss change over time 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express surprise, 🛠️, Express surprise, 📪, Under Warranty, Discuss change over time, 🛠️, Express surprise, 📪, Get Me Out of Here!, Discuss change over time, 🛠️, Discuss change over time, 📪, Get Well Soon, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 15 / 129 Talk about technology, Describe school life 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about technology, 🛠️, Talk about technology, 📪, Festivals : A Survival Guide, Describe school life, 🛠️, Talk about technology, 📪, What Did I Miss?, Describe school life, 🛠️, Describe school life, 📪, Information for the Movie Theater Staff, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 16 / 130 Read literary texts, Talk about a move 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Read literary texts, 🛠️, Read literary texts, 📪, Lucie Listens to You, Talk about a move, 🛠️, Read literary texts, 📪, Young Talent Competition, Talk about a move, 🛠️, Talk about a move, 📪, Art for Small Budgets, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 17 / 131 Express empathy, Describe work life 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express empathy, 🛠️, Express empathy, 📪, A True Expert, Describe work life, 🛠️, Express empathy, 📪, Do You Remember Me?, Describe work life, 🛠️, Describe work life, 📪, Formal Attire, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 18 / 132 Talk about one's city, Review present and past 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about one's city, 🛠️, Talk about one's city, 📪, Oscar Is Babysitting, Review present and past, 🛠️, Talk about one's city, 📪, 'Panic at the Museum' - Player's Review, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 19 / 133 Talk about blame, Make formal requests 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about blame, 🛠️, Talk about blame, Fake Date, 📪, Make formal requests, 🛠️, Babysitter 2.0, Talk about blame, 📪, Make formal requests, Lin Is Enjoying Nature, 🛠️, Make formal requests, 📪, Roommate Contract, 🏆
ㅤ7ㅤ 20 / 134 Imagine what if, Contrast opinions 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Imagine what if, 🛠️, Imagine what if, Save the Crabs, 📪, Contrast opinions, 🛠️, How to Write a Bestseller, Imagine what if, 📪, Contrast opinions, Park Renovations, 🛠️, Contrast opinions, 📪, A Threat to the Neighborhood, 🏆
Section 8: Navigator (21)
ㅤ8ㅤ 1 / 135 Make polite requests, Navigate a negotiation 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Make polite requests, 🛠️, Make polite requests, 📪, Thanks for the Bike, Navigate a negotiation, 🛠️, Make polite requests, 📪, One Shouldn’t Rush an Artist!, Navigate a negotiation, 🛠️, Navigate a negotiation, 📪, The Weekly News, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 2 / 136 Provide explanations, Tell someone about a recent event 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Provide explanations, 🛠️, Provide explanations, 📪, Junior's Birthday Party, Tell someone about a recent event, 🛠️, Provide explanations, 📪, Used Laptop for Sale, Tell someone about a recent event, 🛠️, Tell someone about a recent event, 📪, The Rival, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 3 / 137 Discuss the world of cinema, Talk about trends in social life 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discuss the world of cinema, 🛠️, Discuss the world of cinema, 📪, The Second-Hand Jacket, Talk about trends in social life, 🛠️, Discuss the world of cinema, 📪, Karaoke Controversy, Talk about trends in social life, 🛠️, Talk about trends in social life, 📪, Good Pastries, Bad Service, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 4 / 138 Use past tenses, Compare and contrast culinary feats 📝
5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Use past tenses, 🛠️, Compare and contrast culinary feats, 📪, A Grown-up Birthday, Compare and contrast culinary feats, 🛠️, Compare and contrast culinary feats, 📪, The Art of Relaxation, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 5 / 139 Express frustration, Request a refund 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express frustration, 🛠️, Express frustration, 📪, A Historic Power Outage, Request a refund, 🛠️, Express frustration, 📪, My Frog Feels Lonely, Request a refund, 🛠️, Request a refund, 📪, Not Bad, This Bakery!, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 6 / 140 Navigate a touchy subject, Recount an unpleasant experience 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Navigate a touchy subject, 🛠️, Navigate a touchy subject, 📪, I'm Innocent, Recount an unpleasant experience, 🛠️, Navigate a touchy subject, 📪, Zari Versus Lily, Recount an unpleasant experience, 🛠️, Recount an unpleasant experience, 📪, The Playwright, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 7 / 141 Make deductions to solve a crime, Discuss clothing design and materials 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Make deductions to solve a crime, 🛠️, Make deductions to solve a crime, 📪, The New Coach, Discuss clothing design and materials, 🛠️, Make deductions to solve a crime, 📪, Vikram's Sick Leave, Discuss clothing design and materials, 🛠️, Discuss clothing design and materials, 📪, Highly Qualified, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 8 / 142 Express conditions, Encourage and congratulate someone 📝
5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express conditions, 🛠️, Encourage and congratulate someone, 📪, Lin's Letter of Recommendation, Encourage and congratulate someone, 🛠️, Encourage and congratulate someone, 📪, The New Oven, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 9 / 143 Make and rearrange travel plans, Make suggestions 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Make and rearrange travel plans, 🛠️, Make and rearrange travel plans, Oscar's Reception Invitation, 📪, Make suggestions, 🛠️, Time Travel, Make and rearrange travel plans, 📪, Make suggestions, The Art Competition, 🛠️, Make suggestions, 📪, Lin Moves Out, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 10 / 144 Express certainty and uncertainty, Express disappointment 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪📖 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 6, 📪, 6, 📖, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express certainty and uncertainty, 🛠️, Express certainty and uncertainty, Eddy Reads a Parenting Book, 📪, Express disappointment, 🛠️, The Art of Persuasion, Express certainty and uncertainty, 📪, Express disappointment, I Know the Landlord, 🛠️, Express disappointment, 📪, Guess the Smell!, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 11 / 145 Discuss taking care of pets, Talk about travel preferences 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discuss taking care of pets, 🛠️, Discuss taking care of pets, 📪, Retrospective of Last Year, Talk about travel preferences, 🛠️, Discuss taking care of pets, 📪, Cousin Lino, Talk about travel preferences, 🛠️, Talk about travel preferences 📪, Camp for Young Artists, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 12 / 146 Discus physical activities, Make small talk 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Discus physical activities, 🛠️, Discus physical activities, 📪, Lin the Cat Sitter, Make small talk, 🛠️, Discus physical activities, 📪, The Luxury Hotel, Make small talk, 🛠️, Make small talk, 📪, A Romantic Weekend, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 13 / 147 Use the future tense, Navigate transactions 📝
5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Use the future tense, 🛠️, Navigate transactions, 📪, Lily Delivers Your Bad News!, Navigate transactions, 🛠️, Navigate transactions, 📪, The Cool Bakery, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 14 / 148 Give and respond to commands, Speculate about someone's absence 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Give and respond to commands, 🛠️, Give and respond to commands, 📪, Request for the Holidays, Speculate about someone's absence, 🛠️, Give and respond to commands, 📪, The Bakery’s New Rules, Speculate about someone's absence, 🛠️, Speculate about someone's absence, 📪, A Big Commitment, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 15 / 149 Talk about nature, Express irritation 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about nature, 🛠️, Talk about nature, 📪, The Matchmaker, Express irritation, 🛠️, Talk about nature, 📪, Lin's Chores, Express irritation, 🛠️, Express irritation, 📪, The Rival Coach, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 16 / 150 Express limits, Suggest alternatives 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express limits, 🛠️, Express limits, 📪, Nobody’s Perfect, Suggest alternatives, 🛠️, Express limits, 📪, The Art Director, Suggest alternatives, 🛠️, Suggest alternatives, 📪, The Best of Our City, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 17 / 151 Talk about elections, Give commands 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 5, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Talk about elections, 🛠️, Talk about elections, 📪, New Walking Tour!, Give commands, 🛠️, Talk about elections, 📪, Dear Concerned Parents, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 18 / 152 Express incredulity, Talk about shopping 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Express incredulity, 🛠️, Express incredulity, 📪, The Weekend Manager, Talk about shopping, 🛠️, Express incredulity, 📪, The Eclipse, Talk about shopping, 🛠️, Talk about shopping, 📪, How to Eat for Free According to Lin, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 19 / 153 Prompt a discussion, Express exasperation 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Prompt a discussion, 🛠️, Prompt a discussion, 📪, The Auction, Express exasperation, 🛠️, Prompt a discussion, 📪, Positive Thinking, Express exasperation, 🛠️, Express exasperation, 📪, The School Ski Trip, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 20 / 154 Read the literary past, Communicate poetically 📝
6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 6, 3, 6, 📪, 📖, 🏆
Read the literary past, 🛠️, Read the literary past, 📪, Lin the Lawyer, Communicate poetically, 🛠️, Read the literary past, 📪, A Frog at the Opera, Communicate poetically, 🛠️, Communicate poetically, 📪, The Secret Buyer, 🏆
ㅤ8ㅤ 21 / 155 Discuss progress 📝
6, 3, 6, 📖, 📪, 6, 3, 📖, 🏆
Discuss progress, 🛠️, Discuss progress, My Ex's Wedding, 📪, Discuss progress, 🛠️, Second Place, 🏆
Path Extension Practices:
Section 9: Champion (39)
ㅤ9ㅤ 1 to 38 (156 to 193):
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 🏆
ㅤ9ㅤ 39 (194):
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 🏆
Section 10: Daily Refresh OPTIONAL
ㅤ10ㅤ 1, 📖, 1, 📖, 1, 🏆
Each lesson or 🏆 has challenges, to get the Legendary trophy
Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each 🏆 has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
ㅤㅤ .- ㅤ Edited by Mat!/Ozone ㅤ -.