Duolingo Data:
Irish from English 66 units (2024-May-10):
322 levels ㅤ 1182 lessons ㅤ NO Stories
wordsLearned=2025 ㅤ 66 Different Lessons

Section 1 (16 units):
Section 2 (40 units):
Section 3 (10 units):

Section 1 (16 units):
1. Place order at cafe
2. Say what languages are spoken
3. Order food and drink
4. Discuss the weather
5. Ask about places around town
6. Talk about where you're from
7. Refer to family
8. Discuss professions and traits
9. Discuss sports
10. Talk about places in ireland
11. Use basic phrases
12. Say what people do
13. Use common phrases
14. Talk about food
15. Describe animals
16. Form the plural

Section 2 (40 units):
1. Talk about clothing
2. Discuss activities
3. Describe colors
4. Ask questions
5. State wants and needs
6. Talk about ireland
7. Say when things happen
8. Talk about family members
9. Talk about jobs
10. Describe others
11. Discuss habits
12. Use prepositions
13. Using the genitive case
14. Use adverbs
15. Refer to places
16. Mention people using objects
17. Say where they move
18. Talk about people
19. Discuss language
20. Say how people travel
21. Count things
22. Express feelings
23. Talk about activities
24. Discuss school
25. Form the past tense
26. Refer to sizes
27. Talk about places around the world
28. Describe appearances
29. Say what people did
30. Talk about abstract concepts
31. Discuss the weather
32. Refer to technology
33. Name things in nature
34. Use adjectives
35. Refer to others
36. Describe irish culture
37. Talk about ideas
38. Understand directions
39. Talk about sports
40. Talk about the arts

Section 3 (10 units):
1. Discuss health issues
2. Form the future tense
3. Discuss politics
4. Say what you will do
5. Talk about science
6. Give commands
7. Describe former habits
8. Talk about religion
9. Say what you would do
10. Discuss business

ㅤㅤ Trophy

[OPTIONAL] Personalized Practice (9 units)
Duolingo offers this section in some accounts

Daily Refresh (1 unit)

Each lesson or 🏆 has challenges, to get the Legendary trophy

Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each 🏆 has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-May-28.