Duolingo Data:
Hungarian from English 110 units (2024-May-10):
547 levels ㅤ 1915 lessons ㅤ NO Stories
wordsLearned=3177 ㅤ 110 Different Lessons

Section 1 (16 units):
Section 2 (40 units):
Section 3 (54 units):

Section 1 (16 units):
1. Name things and people
2. Talk about nationalities and languages
3. Describe people and things
4. Greet people
5. Say where people and things are
6. Communicate at school
7. Use verbs in present tense
8. Talk about food and drink
9. Express feelings
10. Identify professions
11. Talk about cooking and eating
12. Form the plural of nouns
13. Express quantities
14. Say what we and they do
15. Locate places in a city
16. Use the verbs come and go

Section 2 (40 units):
1. Tell time
2. Use different forms of this and that
3. Talk about schedules
4. Shop for clothes
5. Talk about hobbies and habits
6. Indicate the location
7. Describe things and people
8. Use van and nincs
9. Talk about the weather
10. Form the possessive
11. Name nationalities
12. Form direct objects
13. Describe health issues
14. Express quantity
15. Use definite verb forms
16. Talk about your family
17. Discuss everyday activities
18. Refer to you and me
19. Say what people are doing
20. Express emotions
21. Say what languages you speak
22. Use direct objects in plural form
23. Talk about activities
24. Ask about directions
25. Order food
26. Talk about what you have
27. Express actions
28. Talk about giving someone something
29. Describe things and people
30. Talk about art activities
31. Comment on sports
32. Talk about being inside
33. Say what and who is beside something else
34. Describe outfits
35. Talk about your home
36. Discuss possession
37. Compare things and people
38. Express dates and times
39. Talk about technology
40. Use different forms of this and that

Section 3 (54 units):
1. Talk about celebrations
2. Describe past events
3. Talk about animals
4. Say who you do things with
5. Talk about colors
6. Use ordinal numbers
7. Make negative statements
8. Say what others have
9. Distinguish past and present
10. Describe movement into
11. Discuss direction
12. Describe movement toward
13. Clarify directions
14. Use verbal prefixes in negative sentences
15. Indicate movement into places
16. Describe direction
17. Describe movement toward a place
18. State geography facts
19. Make statements about the past
20. Form complex sentences
21. Discuss choices
22. Talk about experiences and changes
23. Describe things and people
24. Use verbal prefixes
25. Talk about travel
26. Say what happened
27. Discuss origins
28. Indicate the starting point
29. Describe distances
30. Combine postpositions with this and that
31. Discuss future plans
32. Talk about neighbors and friends
33. Clarify locations
34. Talk about cooking and eating
35. Discover a city
36. Ask about directions
37. Talk about the past
38. Use relative pronouns
39. Talk about belongings
40. Make calculations
41. Use everybody and somebody
42. Use everywhere and somewhere
43. Describe what people have
44. Use different forms of this and that
45. Combine suffixes
46. Indicate the starting point
47. Talk about position
48. Use postpositions
49. Form plural possessives
50. Tell others what to do
51. Talk about how many
52. Use verb conjugations
53. Express opinions
54. Combine suffixes

ㅤㅤ Trophy

[OPTIONAL] Personalized Practice (15 units)
Duolingo offers this section in some accounts

Daily Refresh (1 unit)

Each lesson or 🏆 has challenges, to get the Legendary trophy

Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each 🏆 has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)

Edited by Mat!/Ozone, 2024-May-28.